A C++ project file template for developing System that utilizes MySQL Database Connection

Primary LanguageC++


A C++ project file template for developing System that utilizes MySQL Database Connection

This project also includes code sample on executing database queries. (Credit to Iqmal Rizal)

Tested on macOS Catalina

Notes before use

This project uses CMake as its compiler, with Multi-OS Support

Please refer the Conan Package Manager Documentation page for component installations https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/getting_started.html

For mac users, please install cmake in your system (using brew is easier)

brew install cmake
brew install conan


to install the packages required for this project, run the command in the project file :

conan install conan -if conan --build missing

Packages included

This project file includes conanfile.txt that includes the required packages for this project




In macOS, host must be provided in form of ip address. using localhost does not make the connection to mysql successfull


Adi Iman
Iqmal Rizal

adimixx / 2020