Cloudinary iOS Sample application


This is a very simple application that integrates the Cloudinary iOS SDK. The application has the following samples:

  1. Delivery
  2. Optimization
  3. Transform
  4. Use cases
  5. Upload
    1. Upload
    2. Upload large
    3. Fetch upload
  6. UI
    1. Upload Widget
    2. Image Widget
  7. Video
    1. Video Widget
    2. Video feed


Once you clone this repository there are two required steps to build the sample app:

  1. Configure your Cloudinary cloud name for the app:
    • Once you open the upload controller you'll be asked to enter your cloud name, you can find your cloud name at the top of your dashboard.
  2. Create an upload preset named 'sample_app_preset' in your cloudinary account console:
    • Login to your Cloudinary console, go to settings>upload, scroll down to Upload Presets and click Add upload preset. Alternatively, head directly to the new preset page.
    • Type in ios_sample as the name and save, leaving all the fields with their default values.