
Wifi Name: HGGuest

Wifi Pass: haufegroup!


In this hackathon challenge, you will be tasked with developing a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) code generator. Don't worry it's not as scary as it sounds.


Develop a web application that runs locally in the browser

  • A user can add a new MFA name-code pair, by providing a name for the code (if you ever wondered how to use a form tag, now’s the time to try!)
  • A user can view all the available MFA name-code pairs
  • A user can delete an existing MFA name-code pair.
  • All MFA codes are regenerated once every 30 seconds (see window.setInterval())

Codes are made of 6 randomly generated digits. Bet you did this in college already.


  • When the browser tab is closed and reopened, I want all my registered MFA name-code pairs to be preserved (see localStorage)

  • The name of the new MFA name-code pairs is obtained via call to Ever made an API call before? “fetch()”-ing information is simple once you get the hang of it.

Or, if you want to make it harder and more impressive:

  • The name of the new MFA name-code pairs is obtained via call to the OpenAI API

  • BYOF (bring your own feature) - go wild!


Documentation and clean code will be highly appreciated.

Have fun!

Best of luck! Happy hacking!