
Primary LanguageJavaScript


#CRUD Project Video Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5tcZoNyqGI

#Start Up

  1. Clone Ecomap using git & github
  2. If using eclipse: after clonning the repo, import the project as maven project
  3. Install Lombok Jar at https://projectlombok.org/download
  4. Click and run Lombok Jar
  5. Right click on project file to go to properties
  6. Under Java Build Path, Classpath: add external jars. Find and select the Lombok jar file under eclipse ide folder (typically under C:\Users[yourname]... folder)
  7. Update Maven by right click on project Maven > Update Project

#To run Ecomap locally

  1. Run Ecomap project using and ide (Eclipse ide recommended), it will be at http://localhost:8080/, this will be the backend
  2. Run Frontend using VSCode, frontend folder called ecomap-react
  3. Under ecomap-react in terminal, run: npm install (only needed once to load dependencies), run: npm run dev to start run project locally at http://localhost:4200/
  4. Create a .env file under ecomap react and add: VITE_API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080 (This is to call backend api to the forntend)

#Frontend Backend Flow

  1. Both the backend(Ecomap) and frontend(ecomap-react) needs to be running in order to call backend api to the frontend
  2. Axios is a HTTP Client for node.js and browser. I have created axiosClient.js file under ecomap-react
  3. For reference on how it works please do read login.jsx and signup.jsx under src/views
  4. Axios will be used to call backend api. For example in Login.jsx, axiosClient.post('/login', payload) will send the paylaod to http://localhost:8080/api (to the backend api)
  5. http://localhost:8080/api has been initialised at axiosClient.js with .env VITE_API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080
  6. ReactJS Router is used for developing Single Page Web Applications. I have created router.jsx.
  7. Based on the router, Login.jsx will render at http://localhost:8080/login and Signup.jsx will render at http://localhost:8080/signup, NotFound.jsx will render by default if a path is not defined
  8. main.jsx is the root react file any imports there will be imported to all view or components files
  9. index.html is the single web page for reactjs

#Frontend Layout and Authenthication

  1. React Context is a way to manage state(variable) globally. I have created UserProvider.jsx to help the authentication process for logged in and out users
  2. UserProvider.jsx will store the authenication token which is initilised at the backend which returned via api if /login api call is successful. Users will be authenticated after this
  3. In login.jsx: User Context is initialised if axiosClient.post('/login', payload) is successful, the User state can be accessed globally after this (As user session)
  4. In the router.jsx i have made 2 react components for layout: DefaultLayout.jsx and GuestLayout.jsx
  5. DefaultLayout.jsx is only rendered when user is logged in (token is not null)
  6. Child Components under DefaultLayout.jsx will inherit its components, this is create sidebars or navs for later, to create common components for only authethicated users
  7. GuestLayout.jsx is only rendered when user is not logged in (token is null), same concept as before

#Backend and Database

  1. Please do research on MVC concept for basic understanding, read on JPA and JDBC for futher understanding on how it works for spring boot
  2. src/main/java is where the main files are located
  3. cbse.EcoMap.model are classes which contains logic to connect with database tables, instance variables under these files represent the columns in the database
  4. cbse.EcoMap.repository is to create functions for for storing/retrieving data from the model/database, example in TeamRepository: Team findByName(String name) to get team by name
  5. cbse.EcoMap.controller is used for mapping and can be used for api retrieval. For example for the TeamController http://localhost:8080/api/teams is used to retrieve all teams in database teams table. Please do test this out by entering in the url of your browser when the backend is running locally
  6. I recommened reading about other features in spring boot such as service and component if u have time
  7. For more info/help on sring boot go to https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/spring-mvc/?ref=lbp

The end, goodluck :P