
MongoSpeakApp: A language tool using MongoDB, gTTS, LangChain, and Streamlit

Primary LanguagePython

MongoSpeakApp πŸŽ“πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

A fusion of MongoDB, gTTS, LangChain, and Streamlit to improve your spoken English.

Streamlit App

About MongoSpeakApp 🌟

MongoSpeakApp is a language learning tool that leverages MongoDB for data storage, gTTS for text-to-speech conversion, LangChain for generating new sentences with the power of LLMs, and Streamlit for a user-friendly interface. It is designed to help you enhance your spoken English skills by providing a platform for practicing English sentences and generating new ones using large language models.

Key Features πŸ”‘

  • Read from MongoDB: Access a diverse and extensive database of English sentences stored in MongoDB.

  • Text-to-Speech: Immerse yourself in spoken English sentences with the help of gTTS.

  • Interactive Interface: Utilize Streamlit's intuitive interface to interact with the application effortlessly.

  • Sentence Generation: Unleash the potential of large language models to generate new and contextually relevant English sentences.

    • CRUD Operations in MongoDB:

Try MongoSpeakApp 🌐

Experience MongoSpeakApp on Streamlit Cloud

Streamlit App

Tools and Packages πŸ› οΈ

I employed a range of tools and packages to construct this app, each playing a crucial role in its functionality:

  • MongoDB: A robust database system utilized for efficient data storage and retrieval πŸ›’οΈ
  • PyMongo: A Python library seamlessly integrated with MongoDB, facilitating smooth interaction with the database 🐍
  • Streamlit: An interactive web app framework for Python, providing a user-friendly interface and enhancing the overall user experience 🌐
  • gTTS: A powerful library for converting text to speech, contributing to the audio component of the application πŸ”Š
  • Tempfile: creates temporary sound files on-the-fly, optimizing resource usage in MongoSpeakApp. It facilitates dynamic audio generation and manipulation, enhancing the application's overall performance. πŸ“
  • LangChain: A custom-built language processing framework that augments the app with advanced linguistic capabilities, enabling the generation of contextually rich sentences πŸ“–

Getting Started πŸš€

To embark on your language learning journey with MongoSpeakApp, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/adinmg/MongoSpeakApp.git
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create a MongoDB database with the JSON file provided to store your English sentences.

  4. Secure your application by hashing your password with Streamlit Authenticator.

  5. Create a .streamlit/secrets.toml file to securely store your keys, passwords, and database details.

  6. Run the application using the following command:

    streamlit run 1_πŸ“š_Lessons.py

Contributions and Support 🀝

We welcome contributions to make MongoSpeakApp even better! Whether you want to report a bug, suggest a feature, or contribute code, your input is highly appreciated.