
Contains a cloudformation template and architecture diagram that can be used for quick deployments of a VPC in a specific region containing 4 subnet accorss 2 regions (2private subnets / 2 public subnets). Public subnets can reach internet via the IGW and private subnets can reach the internet via NAT gateway. All this will be deployed using the Cloud Formation template.

CloudFormation VPC Example

  1. Contains a cloudformation template called "Fincity-Example-VPN.json" that can be used to quickly deploy the VPC on AWS.

  2. Contians architecture diagram that explains the VPC connections of the VPC.

    • The VPC contians 4 subnets across 2 regions (2private subnets / 2 public subnets).
    • Public subnets can reach internet via the IGW and private subnets can reach the internet via NAT gateway.

Note: Virtual Private gateway / VPN connection / VPN Customer gateway / VPC Peering : These 4(shown in the diagram) will not be created by the Cloudformation template as they require secondary endpoints.