Mini Project Instagram Influencers Prediction

Objective --> To Predict wheter an Influencers will be growing or declining in term of engagement in the following months

Project Structure

  1. --> contains several functions to help scraping data
  2. 1_Scraping Influencer Names.ipynb --> notebook contains code to scrape list of usernames influencers
  3. 2_Scraping Influencers Post Links.ipynb --> notebook contains code to scrape post of specific username
  4. 3_Scraping More Informartion.ipynb --> it is for scraping more information like number of post, number of likes, created date and etc
  5. 4_Data Preprocessing.ipynb --> it is all about data preprocessing
  6. 5_Feature Engineering.ipynb --> create new features from initial features
  7. 6_Modelling.ipynb --> modelling process with some of tuning hyperparameters
  8. 7_Interpreting Results.ipynb --> interpretation of results

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