A HTML Report of test executions via TestNG (No code changes required, Export results)
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Need failed test script screenshots!
#22 opened by rakeshadupa - 1
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Loggers for the metrics
#19 opened by gvreddyreddy - 1
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DashBoard Showing wrong count
#18 opened by gvreddyreddy - 2
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TestngMetrics: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.reflect.Method cannot be cast to java.lang.CharSequence
#14 opened by adiralashiva8 - 1
Email: Show total count in email
#11 opened by adiralashiva8 - 1
Class Metrics: Test Method column includes counts of @Before & @After methods
#9 opened by saurabhgupta94 - 1
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Publish the library onto Maven Central
#4 opened by krmahadevan - 1
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Methods are considering as test case
#1 opened by adiralashiva8 - 1
Display index.html within report
#2 opened by adiralashiva8