
External asset loading library for OpenFL

Primary LanguageHaxe

#Assets Manager Assets Manager provides utils to manage external files, its main features are:

  • Load external files.
  • Save files in different formats.
  • Queue files to load / load them at once.
  • Use relative, absolute path or url for files.
  • Read folder structure and receive alerts for modified files or folders.

Assets Manager is based of AkaLoader by Onatbas.

Version 1.2 changes:

  • Added support for multiple (onComplete) callbacks for the same requested file.

###Main Components

  • FileLoader - Loads external files. (cross-platform) - :requires openfl: -
  • FileSaver - Saves files to disk (native targets)
  • FolderTree - Reads folder structure (native targets)

msignal and mlib are also required by some of the components.
To install it use haxelib install assetsmanager #FileLoader

Uses openfl URLLoader to load external files. Full-path, relative path or URL can be used, full-path not available for flash target (and html5?).

Files are loaded asynchronously, and different notifications are sent:

  • onFileLoaded : signal dispatched every time a file finishes loading (even with error).
  • onFilesLoaded : signal dispatched when files finish loading and there are no more to load.
  • onComplete : callback to a specific load or queue request.

Example loading a single file and using onComplete callback.

var loader = new FileLoader();
loader.loadText("text.txt", onTextLoaded); 

function onTextLoaded(f:FileInfo) {
    if (f.status == LoaderStatus.LOADED) {  // check for errors

Example loading multiple files and listening to onFilesLoaded signal.

var loader = new FileLoader();
loader.onFilesLoaded.add(onComplete);   // listen to all files loaded signal.
loader.queueImage("image.png");         // local path
loader.queueImage("C:/dir/image.jpg");  // full path
loader.queueImage("www.img.com/i.jpg"); // url
loader.loadQueuedFiles();               // load queued files.

function onComplete(files:Array<FileInfo>) {
    for (file in files) {
        if (file.status == LoaderStatus.LOADED 
            && file.type == FileType.IMAGE) {
            addChild(new Bitmap(file.data));             

Supported types:

  • Image - Png and jpg tested, retrieves data as BitmapData.
  • Sound - Ogg tested, retrieve data as Sound.
  • Text - Retrieve data as String.
  • Binary - Retrieve data as bytearray.

#FileSaver Provides a shortcut to save files in different formats, also verifies path and creates directories if they don't exist.

An example showing how to save different files:

FileSaver.saveAsPNG("C:/File.png", myBitmapData);
FileSaver.saveAsText("Text.txt", "some string"); // saves locally.
FileSaver.saveAsBytes("File", myByteArray); // saves locally.


Folder tree reads a folder contents recursively and sends notifications when files or sub-dirs are added, removed or modified.


var ftree = new FolderTree();


The first time refresh() is called, every file and dir it finds are going to be new, for eg. toString() would output:

D C:\rootDir\subDir - NEW
F C:\rootDir\subDir\text.txt - NEW
F C:\rootDir\subDir\imag.jpg - NEW

If file text.txt is renamed to rrrr.txt and refresh is called again, it would result in:

D C:\rootDir\subDir - UNCHANGED
F C:\rootDir\subDir\text.txt - REMOVED
F C:\rootDir\subDir\rrrr.txt - NEW
F C:\rootDir\subDir\imag.jpg - UNCHANGED

A third refresh after editing imag.jpg would result in:

D C:\rootDir\subDir - UNCHANGED
F C:\rootDir\subDir\rrrr.txt - UNCHANGED
F C:\rootDir\subDir\imag.jpg - CHANGED

And so on...

Folder trees can also be read from XML (see readTreeFromFile()), non-native targets can also use this option.