
Automatically switch Sonar gaming configurations when a game is in focus.


Contribution to game database

Auto switch will switch based on game database in game_database.json.
Feel free to create pull requests to add more games, the schema of the JSON is -

  "SonarProfileName": "Game Name", // Game Name as shown in UI (required)
  "ExeName": "FileName", // Filter based on Exe name without the .exe (optional)
  "Title": "WindowTitle" // Filter based on window title (optional)

ExeName or Title must be filled for it to work.

How to use

  1. Download the app from the release section.
  2. Extract the ZIP and launch Sonar.AutoSwitch.exe
  3. Set the Per app config per game / apps
  4. Set the Default config to apply to all other games/apps
  5. To set game, set the Executable name of the app. For some games like Valorant it won't work, if that's the case then use Title instead and leave the Executable name empty.

Built With

Build and run

  1. Install .NET 7
  2. Go into repo folder
  3. Run dotnet run in command line

Publish command

Currently releases uses single file publish -

dotnet publish -c release -r win10-x64 --self-contained=true /p:PublishSingleFile=true