CMS for Web Developers developed as a package in the Laravel Framework.
This needs improvements But in current situation Bower and Gulp are used. Gulp is installed in the root of the project. And bower is installed in the directory Assets. TODO: Create Command to publish to package folder.
npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-util gulp-less gulp-uglify gulp-concat gulp-autoprefixer gulp-minify-css gulp-imagemin gulp-rev gulp-gzip gulp-phpunit
php artisan asset:publish --bench="adis-me/pageblok"
// confide migrations
php artisan migrate
// then package migrations
php artisan migrate --package="terbium/db-config"
php artisan migrate --bench="pageblok/pageblok"
php artisan db:seed --class="Pageblok\\Core\\Databases\\Seeds\\DatabaseSeeder"
Menu items: Link type must be before link url, when page selected load all the pages that can be linked Create a information page for develop when no pages are defined, on production show a friendly error message
- Create backend:
- User login
- User logout
- Create, edit Pages
- Create, edit Block
- Menu manager: Improvements:
- Create menu table, this could be cacheable
- User Management
- Create command to publish package
- Page management
- Add when the page is published
- Block management
- SEO Goodies that are properties
- Think about Plugins?
- Installation
Issues When you go to the backend you will see error message that you are not logged in
- Use Mockery instead of the database for testing
- Test (admin) views