
Some important binaries that I use quite often

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Some important binaries that I use quite often

Note - This GitHub repository contains two shell scripts that can be run as binaries on a UNIX based system only that is MacOS or Linux. All you need to do is download the raw format of the binaries or clone the github repo and then change the ownership of the scripts (for Linux only.) to use the command globally and then copy and paster the scripts in the user binary folder(ensure that the user bin is in the $PATH) or the system binary folder.

foo@bar:~$ sudo chown -R root:root pdf2doi


foo@bar:~$ sudo chown -R root:root doi2bib

If the files are not executable then use the following commands-

foo@bar:~$ chmod +x pdf2doi
foo@bar:~$ chmod +x doi2bib

Then to paste it in the system binary folder do the following from the directory where you downloaded the scripts to-

foo@bar:~$ sudo cp pdf2doi /usr/bin
foo@bar:~$ sudo cp doi2bib /usr/bin


The given script extracts the DOI or Digital Object Identifier from a given PDF file. For any research paper in PDF format the following is the usage -

foo@bar:~$ pdf2doi <insert name of file>.pdf


The DOI obtained from the pdf2doi script can then be plugged into the doi2bib binary script to obtain the bibtex Metadata and can be used in References.bib files for adding bibliography to your TeX or Markdown documents.

The following is a usage of both the binaries on a very intriguing paper on the Three Body problem and Machine Learning -

foo@bar:~$ pdf2doi magnetic\ resonance.pdf
foo@bar:~$ doi2bib 10.1007/BF01386092
	doi = {10.1119/1.5135797},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.1119%2F1.5135797},
	year = 2019,
	month = {dec},
	publisher = {American Association of Physics Teachers ({AAPT})},
	volume = {57},
	number = {9},
	pages = {633--635},
	author = {Esther Cookson and David Nelson and Michael Anderson and Daniel L. McKinney and Igor Barsukov},
	title = {Exploring Magnetic Resonance with a Compass},
	journal = {The Physics Teacher}

The paper which I am talking about is this one - Exploring Magnetic Resonance with a Compass by Esther Cookson et. al.

This will hopefully help in reducing the time it takes to get access of the bibtex of a file especially if you mostly keep your research articles locally on your maching and don't like using and maintaining personal online libraries like Mendeley


2pdf is a helpful script to run on linux machines to convert your program files or scripts into a pdf document to get a pdf copy of your program to attach on a lab notebook or use as supplementary documentation for your project or paper. To use the script you need the following dependencies -



Most linux distributions come pre-installed with vim. If not available you can easily install vim using the package manager of your system and using Homebrew on MacOS and chocolatey on Windows. I am not adding links here because I am too lazy.

Install ghostscript using you system's package manager -

pacman -Syu ghostscript

apt install ghostscript

dnf install ghostscript


2pdf <name of the code/program file or script with extension>


You will get the output as a pdf of the same name as the input file name so if you are using the script on say main.py and after that on main.cpp then the script will generate main.pdf and override the previous document so make sure to keep this in mind. Hope this helps


The png2mp4 script takes the png images in the images folder of the current directory and then converts them into an mp4 video format using the ffmpeg program.

dependencies - ffmpeg

usage -

png2mp4 <framerate arg>

Happy Coding!!