
Code tested on : Python version 3.6.1 opencv-python 3.4.7+contrib tesserocr 2.4.0 (tesseract v4)

->Get tesserocr from here : From the download directory, open a command prompt (simply point it to the directory that holds the ".whl" file if you opened a command prompt from other directory). Installation via pip is done via the following code:

pip install <package_name>.whl

Package_name refers to the name of the whl file you have downloaded. In my case, I have downloaded tesserocr-2.4.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl. Hence, I will be using the following code for the installation:

pip install tesserocr-2.4.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl

->Get tesseract's language data files from here : For English, it is "eng.traineddata"

->Place "eng.traineddata" inside tessdata folder. The folder should be like:

./tessdata :

->Put the input images in "LicPlateImages" folder.

->Run Main_v1_image Output images go in the "output" folder, thresholded images and output text is saved in the "thresimages" folder.