
Implementation example of react server-side rendering (SSR) on a django project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Django project backed React.js SPA with server-side rendering enabled

Django parts that might interest you are greet/view.py and greet/urls.py.

The react.js SPA code are inside client directory, it uses webpack to make the bundle. The part that being use to render the generated code are client/server.js and client/ServerRenderer.js

The project inspired by this article, but instead of uses Tornado, this project uses Django, and more recent React + React-Router API that changed quite a bit.

Django part

pip install -r requirements.txt - install python packages (use virtualenv is recomended)

python manage.py runserver - run django server in localhost:8000

React + SSR parts

cd client - generate bundle and output it in /static for django

npm install - install node packages dependencies

npm run build - update generate bundle and output it in /static (if needed)

npm start - run node.js server for server-rendering (localhost:8081)

Go to localhost:8000, view source and Voila!

How it work in details