
OpenVPN client tied to SOCKS proxy

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


This is a docker image of an OpenVPN client tied to a SOCKS proxy server. It is useful to isolate network changes (so the host is not affected by the modified routing).

This supports directory style (where the certificates are not bundled together in one .ovpn file) and those that contains update-resolv-conf


Preferably, using start in this repository:

start /your/openvpn/directory

/your/openvpn/directory should contain one OpenVPN .conf file. It can reference other certificate files or key files in the same directory.

Alternatively, using docker run directly:

docker run -it --rm --device=/dev/net/tun --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
    --name openvpn-client \
    --volume /your/openvpn/directory/:/etc/openvpn/:ro -p 1081:1080 \

Then connect to SOCKS proxy through through local.docker:1081. For example:

curl --proxy socks5://local.docker:1081 ipinfo.io