
Analyze students' data using a React application

Primary LanguageCSS

Student Analysis Portal

Building the project


  1. Python >= 3.3
  2. Node >= 6.0


  1. In the root of the repo, run pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Navigate to ./frontend and run npm install

Running the project

  1. In ./frontend run npm run start. This starts the webpack dev server
  2. In root, run python manage.py runserver
  3. Navigate to localhost:8000 in browser

Project Structure

  • The React application resides in ./frontend/src
    • index.js is the root of the application
    • App.js is the parent container
    • Container Components are in ./frontend/src/containers
    • Presentation Components are in ./frontend/src/components
    • Redux:
      • Actions and action creators reside in ./frontend/src/actions
      • Reducers reside in ./frontend/src/reducers
    • SCSS files are used for styling (if internal React styles are not being used). They reside in ./frontend/src/styles/, and can be imported within components
  • The Django api resides in ./studentapp