
Simple RESTFUL CRUD App with MongoDB and Mongoose as ODM

Demo app with basic REST API and using MongoDB as Database.

List of books routes:

Route HTTP Description
/api/books GET Get all the books info(admin only)
/api/books/:id GET Get a book data info by its ID (admin and/or authenticated user)
/api/books POST Create a new books document (admin only)
/api/books/:id DELETE Delete a books data (admin only)
/api/books/:id PUT Update a books with new info (admin and/or authenticated user)

List of customers routes:

Route HTTP Description
/api/customers GET Get all the books info(admin only)
/api/customers/:id GET Get a book data info by its ID (admin and/or authenticated user)
/api/customers POST Create a new books document (admin only)
/api/customers/:id DELETE Delete a books data (admin only)
/api/customers/:id PUT Update a books with new info (admin and/or authenticated user)


With only npm:

npm init
npm install express-generator --save
npm install
npm install mongodb --save
npm install mongoose --save

Access the website via http://localhost:3000 or API via http://localhost:3000/api