Hotel Reservation System

This is a simple hotel reservation system implemented in Java. It allows users to book rooms, view room availability, and select payment methods.


  1. Book a Room

    • Users can choose a room number (from 1 to 10).
    • If the room is available, it will be booked.
    • Users can also select the room category (standard, deluxe, or suite).
  2. View Room Availability

    • The system displays the availability status of each room.
  3. Payment Types

    • After booking a room, users can choose between two payment types:
      • Cash: Payment received in cash.
      • Credit Card: Payment received via credit card.

How to Use

  1. Compile the Java code:

  2. Run the program:

    java HotelReservationSystem
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to book rooms and make payments.

Example Usage

Hotel Reservation System
1. Book a room
2. View room availability
3. Exit
Enter your choice: 1

Enter room number (1-10): 5
You've selected Deluxe category.
Select payment type:
1. Cash
2. Credit Card
Enter payment type (1 or 2): 2
Payment received via credit card. Enjoy your stay!


Room Availability:
Room 1: Available
Room 2: Booked