The Quiz Game that challenges users with multiple-choice questions on a specific topic. Here's how it works:
Display Welcome Message and Rules:
- When the game starts, greet the user and explain the rules.
- For example: "Welcome to the Quiz Game! Answer as many questions as you can."
Present Quiz Questions:
- Display each question along with answer choices (multiple-choice).
- Prompt the user to select an answer.
Evaluate the User's Answer:
- Compare the user's answer with the correct answer.
- Keep track of the user's score (increment for correct answers).
Provide Feedback:
- Display whether the answer was correct or incorrect.
- If incorrect, show the correct answer.
- Keep the user engaged with informative feedback.
Calculate the Final Score:
- After all questions are answered, calculate the user's total score.
Display Final Results:
- Print the user's score and a performance message (e.g., "Great job!" or "Keep practicing!").
- Ask if the user wants to play again.