
A translator built with Lex and Yacc.

Primary LanguageC


This is a translator that I made as part of my course-work for Compiler Construction. The problem statement describes a "Customized C" Language that needs to be translated to normal C code. The exact description of the problem statement is delineated in "problem_statement.pdf".

Quick Start

Simply pipe your input file into the translator executable "c2c":

./c2c < sample_inputs/sample_input1.txt

Compiling Lex And Yacc

If you choose to play around with the lex ("project.l") and yacc ("project.y") files, you would need to step through the following commands in the terminal to see your contributions / file changes in action. Make sure you've installed flex and bison on your system.

flex project.l
yacc -dv project.y
gcc -o c2c lex.yy.c y.tab.c -lfl

Example Input and Output

"Customized C" Language Input

Customized C Code

C Code Output

Normal C Code