
Project component for 11-785 (Introduction to Deep Learning) at CMU. Our experiments to build a better speech emotion recognition system for low resource languages.

Primary LanguagePython


Project component for 11-785 (Introduction to Deep Learning) at CMU. Our experiments to build a better speech emotion recognition system for low resource languages.

Implementation of GE2E Loss:

The implementation is in the folder "GE2E". Pytorch implementation of Generalized End-to-End Loss for speaker verification, proposed in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.10467.pdf [3]. We referenced the code from https://github.com/cvqluu/GE2E-Loss

Implementation of Wav2vec-Pretrained:

The implementation is experiments on low-resource datasets Italian(EMOVO) and Greek(AESDD) for emotion verification. This repository provides all the necessary tools to perform emotion recognition with a fine-tuned wav2vec2 (base) model using SpeechBrain. It is trained on IEMOCAP training data. It is referenced from https://huggingface.co/speechbrain/emotion-recognition-wav2vec2-IEMOCAP

Implementation of BYOL-S:

We used a combination of code from SERAB, BYOL-Audio and the original BYOL repo for our BYOL-S experiments. We combined this with our custom code for dataset swapping in order to conduct various mulit-lingual finetuning experiments (all code in models\byol_a folder).


[1] https://github.com/Neclow/SERAB [2] https://github.com/speechbrain/speechbrain [3] GENERALIZED END-TO-END LOSS FOR SPEAKER VERIFICATION, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.10467.pdf