Assignments for CSE 538 NLP by Niranjan Balasubramaniam fall 2019

Primary LanguagePython

Readme for Assignment 1 - CSE 538: fall 2019

Task 1: Batch generation

  • Before I proceeded with the batch generation I tried to gather a basic understanding of what the basic variables meant.
  • I set the data_index to the value of skip_window if it is pointing to 0, since it needs to take 'skip_window' number of words to the left.
  • I then reevaluate data_index to data_index%len(data) so to avoid it going out of index.
  • For each function call, I repeat the batch generation process until the natch_size is met as described below by taking one data_index at a time and generate the label and batch pairs.
  • First I straight away store the data at data_index for 'num_skips' times in labels since, 'num_skips' is the number of pairs to be formed.
  • Then I gather all the words that are in 'skip_window' distance on either sides of the data_index.
  • I randomly sample 'num_skip' words from the aforementioned list of words and I store it in batch.
  • I increment the current batch size by 'num_skips' and move the data_index to the next word in data.

Task 2: Cross Entropy

  • The implementation of cross entropy is pretty much straight forward.
  • There are two terms to cross entropy function.
  • The first term is the vector product of each of the context word and target word pairs' embeddings.
  • I just made sure to arrive at a dimension of [batchsize x 1].
  • The second term took some time for me to understand in terms of implementation.
  • I set out by arriving at [batch_size x 1] as the output dimension.
  • The second term involved the the product of each of context word embeddings to each of the target word embeddings.
  • Appropriate dimensions were reduced by summing across an axis to arrive at [batch_size x 1].

Task 3: NCE

  • The Noise Contrastive Estimation required a bit more of work, since it requied me to understand the implementation of the paper.
  • I went with the same approach of arriving at [batch_size x 1].
  • Hence I broke down the equation into two parts and two sub parts in each part.
  • The first part of the NCE equation was similar to the cross entropy's numerator with an additional log of unigram probabilities.
  • The second part involved modelling the negative words 'k' times per context word pairs and hence batch_size x k times for the entire batch.
  • Appropriate transposes and reduction by sum across an axis was implemented to arrive at a dimension [batch_size x 1]

Task 4: Word Analogy

  • For each of the model, the embeddings was extracted for each word pair in the dev dataset and was represented as (914,7, 2,128).
  • The first 3 word pairs in the second axis was taken and then the vectorized difference was computed and averaged to get the average of 'direction vector'.
  • Difference between the word pairs for each of the following 4 word pairs were computed and the cosine similarity was computed against the 'direction vector'
  • The one with the least value was taken to be the most relevant word pair and the one with highest value was taken to be least relevant word pair.

Task 5: Top 20

  • For each of the words in {american, first , would}, the embeddings were retrieved from a partcular model.
  • The cosine similarity between these words and the entire vocabulary was computed and sorted in increasing order.
  • The first twenty similarity values were reported.


Cross Entropy

hyperParams = { 'loss_model': "cross_entropy", 'batch_size': 128, 'embedding_size': 128, 'skip_window': 2, 'num_skips': 4, 'num_sampled': None, 'max_num_steps': 50001, 'vocabulary_size': 100000 }

Cross entropy model


hyperParams = { 'loss_model': "NCE", 'batch_size': 128, 'embedding_size': 128, 'skip_window': 4, 'num_skips': 8, 'num_sampled': 64, 'max_num_steps': 100001, 'vocabulary_size': 100000 }

NCE model

Models folder
