Ansible playbook collection that have been written for Ubuntu. Some of the playbooks are Elasticsearch, Mesos, AWS, MySql, Sensu, Nginx etc..
- adithyakhamithkar
- aguilerazAGLz - Software Developer Team Manager
- andreichernovYoshkar-Ola
- BilboTheGreedyMidagon AB
- bmkrkolli
- collisiondetectionCollision Detection
- danielgurau
- danserg
- frank3427
- igizm0
- jackiehopecn-hangzhou
- jeevanm87
- jhcloos
- kadivar
- kudipudi
- LarryBetson
- loftwah@caremonkey
- lukehuang
- mchihi
- munimnal
- NormanChiflenC-Systems
- pzczyy
- quangtv1Huce
- rainyhorse
- rezelhCrowdvision
- santoshmaidSalesify
- serg4kostiuk
- shaweiguo
- sivasirish
- SpaunBoNe
- srihas619
- thebennosFuxx Group
- vugitPrivate git account
- williamjie
- zbyufeiBeijing, china
- zishuang951