
A URL shortener website and PWA build with vercel serverless cloud function, MongoDB and nodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A URL shortener made using NodeJS, MongoDB, and Vercel serverless function. This project also includes a serverless API. With the help of this API, we can Integrate the URL shortener with basic static (HTML/CSS/JS ) websites. This website can also serve as a Progressive Web Application (PWA) where you can install this website as a normal Application on your PC or Phone.


Tech Stack

Client: HTML, SCSS, JS, Bootstrap, Materialize

Server: Node,TS, MongDB, Vercel Serveless function.

🎦 Screenshots


App Screenshot




  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB (Atlas)
  • Vercel CLI



To get this poject running, firstly install vercel CLI on your PC with the following command.

  npm i -g vercel

Secondly, goto MongoDB and configure a MongoDB Atlas cluter running, Setup the MongoDB clutter and copy the URI for NodeJS application.

After the MongoDB setup is done clone this project and install the packages.

  git clone https://github.com/adithyapaib/lenk.cf
  cd lenk.cf
  npm i

create .env file in the root folder and create variable DB and paste your MongoDB URI


After everthing is installed to locally deploy this project type

 vercel dev

Login with your Vercel account and your all set for Local Deployment on.


For web Deployment on Vercel use

 vercel deploy


💢 API Reference


API Index

Type File Description
string index.js Displays info about API


Redirect to original URL

Parameter File Description
ShortId redirect.js Required ID of item to redirect


Register a new URL

Parameter File Description
url p.js Required url of main URL. Responds with a random shortID.


List all the URL's in the Database

Parameter File Description
all.js Displays all the URL's in the database.


Register a custom ShortId

Parameter File Description
<shortIDLength>_<shortId><original_url> custom.js Checks if the shortID is taken, return true if shortID is unique else return false if there exits any conflict shortID


Parameter File Example
<shortIDLength>_<shortId><original_url> custom.js http://localhost:3000/3_adihttps://github.com/adithyapaib


If the link dosen't exits in Database

Parameter File Description
/404 404.html 404 Page


🛰Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file




Other domains to this project.





  • Dont forget to 🙋🏼‍♂️Follow me on Github and Star⭐ this Repo

