
Paicrypto is a Python library that provides various encryption and decryption methods using different cryptographic algorithms. This library aims to facilitate secure communication and data protection in Python applications.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Paicrypto - Cryptographic Library

Paicrypto is a Python library that provides various encryption and decryption methods using different cryptographic algorithms. This library aims to facilitate secure communication and data protection in Python applications.


To install paicrypto, you can use pip:

pip install paicrypto


Once installed, you can import the paicrypto class from the library and utilize its methods for encryption, decryption, and hashing.

from paicrypto import paicrypto

# Create an instance of paicrypto
crypto = paicrypto()

# Encrypt data using DES3 algorithm
cipher_text = crypto.desEncrypt3("Hello, World!", "secretkey")

# Decrypt data using DES3 algorithm
plain_text = crypto.desDecrypt3(cipher_text, "secretkey")

print("Encrypted:", cipher_text)
print("Decrypted:", plain_text)

Available Methods

The paicrypto class provides the following methods:

  • desEncrypt3(data, key)
  • desDecrypt3(data, key)
  • desEncrypt(data, key)
  • desDecrypt(data, key)
  • desPaddedEncrypt(data, key)
  • desPaddedDecrypt(data, key)
  • aesEncrypt(data, key)
  • aesDecrypt(data, key)
  • aesPaddedEncrypt(data, key)
  • aesPaddedDecrypt(data, key)
  • rsaEncrypt(data, key)
  • rsaDecrypt(data, key)
  • rsaKeyGen()
  • elgamalKeyGen()
  • elgamalEncrypt(data, key)
  • elgamalDecrypt(data, key)
  • deffieHellmanKeyGen()
  • deffieHellmanEncrypt(data, key)
  • deffieHellmanDecrypt(data, key)
  • socketDeffieHellmanKeyGen()
  • socketDeffieHellmanEncryptServer(data, key, port)
  • socketDeffieHellmanDecryptClient(data, key, port)
  • socketDeffieHellmanDecryptServer(data, key, port)
  • socketDeffieHellmanEncryptClient(data, key, port)
  • sha256(data)
  • sha512(data)
  • sha1(data)
  • md5(data)
  • sha224(data)
  • caesar_encrypt(text, shift)
  • caesar_decrypt(text, shift)
  • vigenere_encrypt(plaintext, key)
  • vigenere_decrypt(ciphertext, key)
  • railfence_encrypt(lst, numrails)
  • Railencode(text, n)
  • raildecode(text, n)
  • columnar_transposition_encrypt(text, key)
  • columnar_transposition_decrypt(text, key)
  • playfair_encrypt(plaintext, key)
  • playfair_decrypt(ciphertext, key)
  • rc4_encrypt(plaintext, key)
  • rc4_decrypt(ciphertext, key)

For more detailed information on each method, refer to the help() function provided in the paicrypto class.


Contributions to CryptoLib are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request on GitHub.

Build Commands

-To build the wheel file, run the following command:

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

-To upload the wheel file to PyPi, run the following command:

twine upload dist/*


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.