An Album Photo Project where you will find a RESTFUL API to add create an Album, add Photos to the Album.
##Following were taken care of
- The albums index actions will return JSON with all available fields for the record AND a field for the total number of photos in the album.
- The API index actions will use pagination with a max of 10 items per page and accept a param to iterate through pages.
- An album's show action will return data for each photo in the album.
- Every photo record belongs to an album, has a name and a url that ends with the string ".jpeg" or ".jpg".
- No more than 60 photos can be added to an album.
- Multiple photos can be added to an album from one request.
- Album's average_date field is always the average taken_at date of all associated photos (or nil if the album has no photos).
- Unit Test cases are in the folder test and spec
- Test cases for the controller actions are in the test folder.
Rails 4.2.6, Ruby 2.2.0
Run bundle install
and rake db:migrate
You can populate your database with fake data by running rake db:seed