
Solution to homework and assignments from MIT's 6.828 (Operating Systems Engineering).

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UPDATE 03/21/16: I'm happy to say that I've completed the class. It was a lot of work but I'm glad I did it. My favorite aspect of the class was how it propelled me from novice to the leading research in the field, in the timespan of a semester. Seeing myself progress to a level where I was able to understand all the papers assigned in the second half was very satisfying.

I did not take an OS class while at Yale (due to scheduling conflicts). I have always been interested in operating systems and decided to go ahead and study the material by myself. This repository contains my solutions to the homeworks, labs and exams1 from MIT's 6.828. Solutions to homework assignments can be found at the top level of this project. For lab solutions and walkthroughs, go to lab/solutions. Every lab passes all the grading test cases. Many thanks to MIT's CSEE department for leaving the class' materials online for all to enjoy!

1 You'll notice that I didn't do the second (final) exam. The latest available final exam on the course webpage is from 2011. Unfortunately, the curriculum and papers assigned changed significantly from 2011 to 2014, meaning that only about 40% of the exam was relevant to the things I had learned. Earlier exams are even less relevant.