
A quiz to test your knowledge of the 12 signs of the zodiac

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Astrology Quiz


  1. Purpose
  2. User Stories
  3. Wireframes
  4. Tech
  5. Stretch Goals



The growing popularity of astrology as a means to self-knowledge rather than a deterministic portrayal of one's fate is an empowering shift in self-help and pop psychology. Rather than taking for granted what experts tell us, everyday people are seeking resources for self-led study. This quiz is for early students of astrology to familiarize themselves with images that portray the signs and planets within a natal chart, also known as glyphs. Reading glyphs is an essential component to interpreting and understanding one's natal chart.


The quiz consists of twelve questions - one of each sign of the zodiac. On each of the twelve quiz pages, the user will be presented with a glyph of a sign alongside a brief description of the image and its corresponding sign.


The user will have fifteen seconds to choose between four options. The quiz has a maximum duration of three minutes.


At the end of the quiz, the user will receive a score, a rank and links to additional resources to further their studies depending on their score.


User Stories

Landing Page Overview Page Quiz Pages Results Page
User clicks a tab to read instructions with the option to skip the instructions and begin quiz right away. The instructions provide a detailed overview of the game, including introduction to astrological terminology and a description of the game's structure. After reading, the player clicks a button to begin the timed quiz. Randomly generated page from one to twelve, prompting user to match glyph to corresponding sign in zodiac. A timed countdown gives user three minutes to complete quiz. Results page provides user their score and an opportunity to take the quiz again.




Landing page wireframe


Overview page wireframe


Quiz page wireframe


Results page wireframe



Page HTML CSS Javascript Assets Keywords To Research
Landing <img id="landing"> <div id="welcome"> <div id="click"> flexbox DOM Manipulation to generate all 18 pages through one html file 12 zodiac glyph images section display none; turn off sections html javascript; toggle display none and flex
Overview update style; cache elements; event listeners
12 Quiz <radio> create objects for stored correct responses and user-generated objects for player responses; let playerScore = []; callback functions


Stretch Goals

  • Include time it took user to complete quiz on results page
  • Customized results page
    • detailed in/correct answers
    • with resources for user knowledge level (beginner;novice;intermediate;expert)
  • Hints
  • Different difficulty levels
    • Different timer countdown runtimes
    • More/less challenging clues
      • for different levels of astrology knowledge
      • for emotional sensitivity (based on feedback that the keywords were harsh)
  • Quiz for 7 traditional planets
  • A skip question button that turns into the next question button after user answers q
  • Add a progress bar
  • Make it impossible for user to advance without answering present question
  • Include responsive design
  • Debug and test scripts
