Daisy Blog


  • update favicon

  • how does draft collection work in astro?

  • ask michael for help getting initial thoughts on vite exploration/choice together?

  • how do i organize local assets/photos in posts?

  • add content to about

  • add content to contact

  • style tags in preview

  • style tags in post

  • restore rss feed functionality

  • pagination - or infinite scroll? or a "load more" button

  • search feature for tags / posts

another blog reference

Simple blog template with Astro, Tailwind CSS, daisyUI




  • Dark mode and light mode
  • Markdown content
  • Tailwind CSS and daisyUI included
  • Tailwind CSS Typography plugin included
  • Posts have date, author name, description and image
  • SEO tags, meta tags, and social tags included
  • Posts can be draft (only visible on development environment)


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