keys action
cd call directory
pwd print working directory
ls list directory contents
~ home directory
.. parent directory
mkdir make directory
touch make file(s)
open open file
mv move file to new location (mv filename newfilelocation)
mv rename file or directory (mv filename newfilename)
rm permanently delete files and directories
rm include -r after command and before directory name to delete a directory
cp make copy of a file
cp include -r after command and before directory name to copy a directory
*.ext refer to all files with the same extension
cmd + k clear screen
man type any command name followed by man to print manual of command functions. type q to return to terminal CLI
&& call multiple commands sequentially, in the same line, by placing && between commands
create new shortcuts by editing /.bash_profile after editing file, enter $ source /.bash_profile, then call new command
git init connect a directory to Git
git status print changes made to files in local repo
git add . / git add -A stage all changes to commit to remote repo
git commit -m "message" update remote repo with a message detailing changes made to local repo
git push origin master finalize update of remote repo
git pull upstream master update local repo with remote changes