
Simple program to map the given keys to the other keys which are accepted by internal API

Primary LanguageRuby

User Story:

As a System I am able to properly map, fetched proeperties request(1) into our internal interface (2):

Build small lib which can do 2 simple things:

  1. Imagine that you have following input - it can be returned from one method "Fetcher.get_properties" ( it can be useful in your specs, sample of input you can find below under "Resources" )

First step is to have a logic which parse it and make a proper mapping of fields ( below under "Resources", you can see how expected structure looks like ).

  1. Second step is to send to internal API, mapped structure url: www.example.com/api/v1/room [POST] include into headers authentication token ["Authorization"] = "secret_token1989"

Make sure to follow OOP principles. Use automatic tests, you have mentioned you are using Rspec. Use git, write explanatory commits messages, you can share solution on the private repository.

Resources: (1) Input: "{"properties":[{"property_adress":"72 Central Park W","apartment_no":"7","zip_code":"8002","town":"Zurich","country":"Swiss","property_description":"fake description of the property","bedrooms_no":"1","max_people":"2","source_id":"68123"}]}"

(2) Internal Interface: Structure which is acceptable by internal API of {
room: { adress:
apartment_number: postal_code: city: city country:
number_of_bedrooms: max_guests: internal_id: } }