brimstone 🔥

A wrapper for default HTTP-client.

Sometimes different problems require different solutions.

Getting started

  1. With Go module support, simply add the following import:
    import ""
  2. To use the package, we need to apply using the following code:
    package test
    import (
    func foo() {
       var params = brimstone.SplintParameters{
          ClientParams: brimstone.ClientParams{
             BaseURL:                        "",
             Username:                       "",
             Password:                       "",
             RequestTimeoutInSeconds:        5,
             Name:                           "REQRES",
             InsecureSkipVerify:             false,
             ShouldHaveAuthenticationHeader: false,
          RequestParams: brimstone.RequestParams{
             URLParams: brimstone.URLParams{
                Path:       "/api/register",
                MethodType: http.MethodPost,
             HTTPVariables: brimstone.HTTPVariables{
                QueryParams: nil,
                UriParams:   nil,
                Headers:     nil,
                Payload: map[string]interface{}{
                   "email":    "",
                   "password": "pistol",
       bytes, response, err := params.Strike(nil)
       if err != nil {
       // handle error