TSLogger - Tremendously Small Logger

Author: Tuhin (https://linkedin.com/in/tuhinkarmakar3882)

Github: https://github.com/tuhinkarmakar3882/Tremendously-Small-Logger

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Table of Contents:


This is a versatile library to supercharge the global/window console object and enables utmost customisibility by means of custom handlers to hook into the logging events.

Getting Started:

First Import the package,

import {
} from "tremendously-small-logger"

Next Prepare the LogLevel Config

// Note: By Default Everything is set to false! Make sure to Turn them on accordingly!

const logLevelFlags = new TSLogLevelFlags({
  allowWarningLogging: boolean,
  allowErrorLogging: boolean,
  allowDebugLogging: boolean,
  allowDefaultLogging: boolean,
  allowInfoLogging: boolean,
  allowTraceLogging: boolean,

Next Prepare the Log's Feature Level Config

const logFeatureFlags = new TSFeatureFlags({
  enableGlobalMonkeyPatching: boolean,
  enableGlobalErrorTracing: boolean,
  enableStackTraceInErrorLogs: boolean,
  partialMonkeyPatchConfig: PartialMonkeyPatchConfig

Note that PartialMonkeyPatchConfig can be defined as the following

type PartialMonkeyPatchConfig = {
  log?: boolean;
  info?: boolean;
  error?: boolean;
  debug?: boolean;
  warning?: boolean;
  trace?: boolean;

Set up custom Hooks/Handlers, whenever the logger is invoked

const customHandlers: TSLoggingHandlerConfig = {
  log: (args: any[]) => void,
  info: (args: any[]) => void,
  warn: (args: any[]) => void,
  error: (args: any[]) => void,
  debug: (args: any[]) => void,
  trace: (args: any[]) => void,

Optionally, Create a log Prefix Function:

const logPrefix = () => string

And Get the Singleton instance!

const logger = TSLogger.getInstance({
  features: logFeatureFlags,
  handlers: customHandlers,

Available Methods:


Common Usage Patterns

There are two ways of using the package

  1. [Quick] Monkeypatch the following at a global level with the TSLogger config
  • console.log
  • console.info
  • console.error
  • console.debug
  • console.warn
  1. [Recommended] Use it without MonkeyPatching

1. [Quick] With MonkeyPatching

  • Go to the entry point in the code, e.g. index.ts or App.ts etc.
  • import the package & add the config
import {TSLogger} from "tremendously-small-logger"

const logFeatureFlags = new TSFeatureFlags({
  // set relevant configs(if required)

const logLevelFlags = new TSLogLevelFlags({
  // set relevant configs(if required)

const logger = TSLogger.getInstance({
  // set other relevant configs(if required)
  features: logFeatureFlags,


Alternatively, a flag can be passed in the first-time creation, i.e.

import {TSLogger} from "tremendously-small-logger"

const logFeatureFlags = new TSFeatureFlags({
  enableGlobalMonkeyPatching: true,
  // set other relevant configs(if required)

const logLevelFlags = new TSLogLevelFlags({
  allowDefaultLogging: true,
  // set other relevant configs(if required)

  // set other relevant configs(if required)
  features: logFeatureFlags,

MonkeyPatching can also be disabled on the fly:


This approach allows to use the exising console.<log/info/error/debug/warn> methods(present in the global/window object) & custom handler will be invoked at runtime(if any), before calling the console methods.

2. [Recommended] Without MonkeyPatching

It is advisable not to monkey patch & replace the regular console.<log/info/error/debug/warn> with logger.< log/info/error/debug/warn>.

To achieve this, set the enableGlobalMonkeyPatching flag to false.


  • Go to the entry point in the application, e.g. index.ts or App.ts etc.
  • import the package & add the config
import {TSLogger} from "tremendously-small-logger"

const logFeatureFlags = new TSFeatureFlags({
  enableGlobalMonkeyPatching: false,
  // set other relevant configs(if required)

const logLevelFlags = new TSLogLevelFlags({
  allowDefaultLogging: true,
  // set other relevant configs(if required)

const logger = TSLogger.getInstance({
  // set other relevant configs(if required)
  features: logFeatureFlags,


1. What are the Custom Handlers?

A Custom Handler is an additional hook to give utmost flexibility to run custom hook whenever a certain method is invoked. One common usage case is to add an analytics event or perhaps trigger an alarm or perhaps log to Cloudwatch etc whenever certain logs are being printed.

const handlers: TSLoggingHandlerConfig = {
  log: ( /* ...args */) => {
    * someApiClient.post('/analytics-endpoint', {
    *   data: {
    *     args: args,
    *     type: ConsoleActionTypes.LOG
    *   }
    * }
    * */
  error: ( /* ...args */) => {
    * someApiClient.post('/analytics-endpoint', {
    *   data: {
    *     args: args,
    *     type: ConsoleActionTypes.ERROR
    *   }
    * }
    * */
  debug: ( /* ...args */) => {
    * someApiClient.post('/analytics-endpoint', {
    *   data: {
    *     args: args,
    *     type: ConsoleActionTypes.DEBUG
    *   }
    * }
    * */
  warn: ( /* ...args */) => {
    * someApiClient.post('/analytics-endpoint', {
    *   data: {
    *     args: args,
    *     type: ConsoleActionTypes.WARN
    *   }
    * }
    * */
  info: ( /* ...args */) => {
    * someApiClient.post('/analytics-endpoint', {
    *   data: {
    *     args: args,
    *     type: ConsoleActionTypes.INFO
    *   }
    * }
    * */
  trace: ( /* ...args */) => {
    * someApiClient.post('/analytics-endpoint', {
    *   data: {
    *     args: args,
    *     type: ConsoleActionTypes.TRACE
    *   }
    * }
    * */

2. What is the order of execution for the hooks & the logs?

Internally the handler passed is invoked in the following manner:

function runWithAugmentation({func, handler}) {
  handler() // custom hook
  func() // base logger

3. What are available exports?

Please find the list below

export {

4. What is TSLoggerUtility & ConsoleActionType?

  • TSLoggerUtility has two handy functions to detect BrowserEnvironment & NodeEnvironment
  • ConsoleActionType is an ENUM which contain basic log types based on the requirements

For Development

  • Clone the Repo
  • Run yarn install or npm install
  • Make Changes & Run npm run start:dev

What's Next?

Please feel free fork/raise Pull Request. Your contribute is highly appreciated!