


Keeping the track of inventory manually, usually in a ledger, is tedious and time-consuming. It is simple and inexpensive but human error can cause various issues. Incorrect inventory counts and documentation errors are problems faced by the industry and are difficult to track down. Our inventory solution can be used at times of natural calamities and for the tracking of secret items like weapons. During natural calamities, users will be able to request necessary items via our app/website. Our solution is for making things simpler, which is easy to use and can be easily implemented.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Flutter
  • Firebase
  • Flask


A user can access the app/website through Email ID or he/she can sign in with Google. Due to security of secret items, we have divided two different types of profiles - User and Admin. Only the Admin is able to access secret items and can track them.

Public User

When a user logs into the app/website there are four different sections:

  • Profile

Under this section the user can see his name and the Email ID he registered with.

  • Requests

He can send a request of required items through the Requests section, where he/she has to simply select the Inventory he needs, the amount of inventory and his/her address.

  • Inventory

Under Inventory he can find a variety of inventory accessible to him. There is also a searchable dropdown which he/she can use to easily find a particular inventory.

  • Contact Support

If he finds that something is not listed in the inventory section and he thinks it is required, he can contact us through the Contact Support section. When he/she submits a query/request the Admin gets the message over mail about the same also the user will receive mail that his query/request is successfully received.

Admin User

When an Admin logs in he has three different categories to access:

  • Profile

Under this section the Admin can see his name and the Email ID he registered with.

  • Requests

In the Requests section he can see all the requests received from the public users upon which he/she can either accept or reject.

  • Inventory

Under the Inventory section he has access to both public inventories and Confidential Inventories. The Confidential Inventory is only visible for admin users such as Bullet proof jackets, hats etc. He can add or remove the inventory items and also update the quantity of previous inventory items.

  • Tracking

On the home page there is a Floating Action Button of QR code Scanner, which is not accessible now since we don't have a host for the website at the moment, but in future on scanning the QR code of the item, will redirect to our website where we can access all the history of the item.


  • Priyanshu Joshi
  • Anurag Porel
  • Aditya Choudhari
  • G Shalom