
This repository provides you perfect file setup for competitive programming.

Primary LanguageC++

Competitve Programming Templates


This repository provides you perfect file setup for competitive programming.


How to use?

  1. Fork the Repo
  2. Clone the Repo to your local system.
  3. Configure the view as in the Screenshot, using the View tab in VS Code
  4. Copy the content of template.cpp file and insert it as your default C++ code snippet.

How to add default templet as C++ Code Snippet in VS Code?

  1. Go to this link.

  2. Type/Paste the default code you want to use the snippet for. Enter the trigger and description.

  3. Copy the generated snippet onto clipboard.

  4. Head to VSC. Press ctr + shift + p .Type configure user snippets.

  5. Select your desired language(C++ in your case).

  6. Replace the comments with the snippet in your clipboard.

  7. Save and exit. Now try to type the trigger text. You will see the snippet ready!