a command-line password generator in Python that generates random passwords based on user-defined criteria, such as length and character types (letters, numbers, symbols). Allow users to specify password length and character set preferences.
import random import string import argparse
try: import pyperclip # For clipboard integration (install using: pip install pyperclip) PYPERCLIP_INSTALLED = True except ImportError: PYPERCLIP_INSTALLED = False
def generate_password(length, use_letters, use_numbers, use_symbols): characters = "" if use_letters: characters += string.ascii_letters if use_numbers: characters += string.digits if use_symbols: characters += string.punctuation
if not characters:
print("Error: Please select at least one character type.")
return None
password = ''.join(random.choice(characters) for _ in range(length))
return password
def validate_input_length(length): if length < 1: print("Error: Password length must be at least 1.") return False return True
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate a random password.") parser.add_argument("length", type=int, help="Length of the password") parser.add_argument( "--letters", action="store_true", help="Include letters in the password" ) parser.add_argument( "--numbers", action="store_true", help="Include numbers in the password" ) parser.add_argument( "--symbols", action="store_true", help="Include symbols in the password" )
args = parser.parse_args()
if not validate_input_length(args.length):
password = generate_password(
args.length, args.letters, args.numbers, args.symbols
if password:
print("Generated Password:", password)
# Clipboard Integration
print("Password copied to clipboard.")
except pyperclip.PyperclipException as e:
print("Clipboard integration failed:", e)
print("Warning: pyperclip module not installed. Clipboard integration disabled.")
if name == "main": main()