
Solving Image Riddles

Primary LanguagePython

Solving Image Riddles

This repository contains the code with respect to the results presented in Answering Image Riddles using Vision and Reasoning through Probabilistic Soft Logic. The updated version of this work is accepted in UAI 2018 (Title: Combining Knowledge and Reasoning through Probabilistic Soft Logic for Image Puzzle Solving).


  • Create a python virtual-environment, activate it and install packages using the provided requirements.txt.
  • In the same virtual environment, follow the instructions in conceptnet_setup_script.sh to set up ConceptNet5 and its association-space matrix version.

Riddles Dataset: Pre-Processing

All Seed Collection from Clarifai Files

  • Follow the following steps to store the ground-truth names of the riddles in a file.
    • python findFiles.py $ARG0 > $OP0
    • copy the file $OP0 to $ARG0
    • copy seeds.sh to $ARG0
    • execute ./seeds.sh $OP0

Directories SETUP:

  1. conceptnet_util.py requires:
    • The association-space representation of ConceptNet 5: ../conceptnet5/data/assoc/assoc-space-5.4
    • Word-Vectors trained on Google News corpus: ../../../DATASETS/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin
  2. mergeTargets.py Requires the following directory setup.

Targets Pre-processing for Fast ConceptNet access:

Firing ConceptNet queries for each word for each image in a riddle is quiet expensive in terms of running time. Hence, we pre-process and store the most similar targets for each ground-truth answer in the riddles dataset.

  1. Base Form Creation: To create the base forms, run:
python preprocess/targetsFileBaseWords.py ../First250riddles/riddlesDetectionAll/seeds3333_for_conceptnet.txt > intermediateFiles/lemmatizedSeeds_all3k.txt
python preprocess/EigenvectorCentrality.py intermediateFiles/lemmatizedSeeds_all3k.txt > intermediateFiles/lemmatizedSeedsCentralized_all3k.txt
  1. Then Sort Suggested Targets:
 .scripts/sortSuggestedTargets.sh intermediateFiles/allTargets/test1

Run Inference

  1. For ResidualNetwork detections, run:
python testAllStagesGUR.py intermediateFiles/lemmatizedSeedsCentralizedResNet_3k.txt ../First250riddles/riddlesDetectionAll/ 3333
<outputFolder> resnet -stage all
  1. For Clarifai detections, run:
python testAllStagesGUR.py intermediateFiles/lemmatizedSeedsCentralizedResNet_3k.txt ../First250riddles/riddlesDetectionAll/ 3333  <outputFolder> clarifai -stage all
usage: testAllStagesGUR.py [-h] [-stage STAGE] [-from FROM] [-to TO]
                           [-par PAR]
                           seedsCentralityfile detectionsFolder numPuzzles
                           inferenceFolder {clarifai,resnet}
STAGE: all/merge/clarifai

Choose stage as all for running the entire pipeline, clarifai for running the greedy solution upto visual detections and merge for running upto rank and retrieve stage.

  1. For running UR and IUR (termed as BUR in paper) variants, just use testAllStagesUR.py and testAllStagesIUR.py respectively.

Calculating Post-Run Accuracy:

usage: postrun/calculatePostRunAccuracy.py [-h] [-cleanup CLEANUP]
                                   [-summaryFile SUMMARYFILE]
                                   [-ignoreDevDataFile IGNOREDEVDATAFILE]
                                   inferenceFolder maxOrAvg
python postrun/calculatePostRunAccuracy.py intermediateFiles/resnet/output_iur_merge_pc1_r/ max -ignoreDevDataFile

Gitlab Commit:

git status
git add *.py
git commit -m "pushing riddle code" *.py
git push -u origin master

Author Affiliation:

The code is developed by Somak Aditya, when he was working as a Graduate Research Assistant in Prof. Chitta Baral's lab at CIDSE, Arizona State Univerisity.


This is one of the first python-based software I wrote. So, a complete overhaul is required to increase the readability of the code. However, given the pre-processing steps are done correctly, this code should be used to re-produce the results presented in the Image Riddle paper.