
Golang library for scraping search results

Primary LanguageGo


gosearcher is a small golang package which provides a number of functions that make it easy to scrape a number of popular search engines including Google, Yandex and soon Bing. The package supports the use proxies and multi-page scraping and allows users to scrape multiple pages of search results. The library relies on the popular Goquery package.

Example Usage - Google Scraping

package main

import (

func main() {
	res, err := gosearcher.GoogleScrape("Edmund Martin", "com", "en", nil, 1, 10, 10)
	if err == nil {
		for _, res := range res {

Parameters - Google Scraping

  • searchTerm - string
  • countryCode - string - Will return an error if country is not supported by Google. "com" - will use Google.com
  • languageCode - string - The language used to search - in the format of an ISO 639-1 Code
  • proxyString - empty interface - The proxy (string format) you wish to use for the particular scrape, or nil to scrape without a proxy
  • pages - int - The number of pages you wish to scrape.
  • count - int - The number of results per page - multiples of 10 up to 100.
  • backoff - int - The time to wait in between scraping pages, if more than one page of results is being scraped.

Example Usage - Yandex Scraping

package main

import (

func main() {
	res, err := gosearcher.YandexScrape("Привет меня зовут", "com", "10393", nil, 1, 30, 20)
	if err == nil {
		for _, res := range res {
	} else {

Parameters - Yandex Scraping

  • searchTerm - string
  • countryCode - string - Will return an error if country is not supported by Yandex. "com" - will use Yandex.com
  • location - empty interface - Yandex's location code, can be a string or will use Moscow as base if nil is based. Full list can be found here.
  • proxyString - empty interface - The proxy (string format) you wish to use for the particular scrape, or nil to scrape without a proxy
  • pages - int - The number of pages you wish to scrape.
  • count - int - The number of results per page - multiples of 10 up to 30.
  • backoff - int - The time to wait in between scraping pages, if more than one page of results is being scraped.

Example Usage - Bing Scraping

package main

import (

func main() {
	res, err := gosearcher.BingScrape("Edmund Martin", "com", nil, 2, 30, 30)
	if err == nil {
		for _, res := range res {
	} else {
  • searchTerm - string
  • countryCode - string - Will return an error if country is not supported.
  • proxyString - empty interface - The proxy (string format) you wish to use for the particular scrape, or nil to scrape without a proxy
  • pages - int - The number of pages you wish to scrape.
  • count - int - The number of results per page - multiples of 10 up to 50.
  • backoff - int - The time to wait in between scraping pages, if more than one page of results is being scraped.

Result Format

type SearchResult struct {
	ResultRank int
	ResultURL string
	ResultTitle string
	ResultDesc string

All supported search engines return a slice of SearchResult. This struct contains the rank, url, title and description of the particular result in question.