Inspired by Sequel for ruby, DataStorm aims to be a database toolkit for node
- DataStorm currently has adapters for mysql
var DataStorm = require('datastorm');
DB = new DataStorm.mysql({username: 'root', password: '', host: 'localhost', database: 'datastorm_test'})
items = DB.ds('items') // create a dataset
// print out the number of records
items.count(function(err, count) { console.log(count); })
Like Sequel, DataStorm uses the concept of datasets to retrieve data. A Dataset object encapsulates an SQL query and supports chainability, letting you fetch data using a convenient JavaScript DSL that is both concise and flexible.
DataStorm uses the same concepts of datasets to retrieve data. A Dataset object encapsulates an SQL query and supports chainability, letting you fetch data using a convenient JavaScript DSL that is both concise and flexible.
DB.ds('countries').where({region: 'Middle East'}).count()
is equivalent to
SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM `countries` WHERE region='Middle East'
Accessing all the records you'd have something very similar:
DB.ds('countries').where({region: 'Middle East'}).all(function (err, results) {
results // results is an array of county objects
A model class wraps a dataset, and an instance of that class wraps a single record in the dataset.
Model classes are defined as regular Ruby classes inheriting from DataStorm.Model
DB = new DataStorm.mysql({username: 'root', password: '', host: 'localhost', database: 'datastorm_test'});
var Post = DataStorm.model('Post', DB);
DataStorm model classes assume that the table name is an underscored plural of the class name:
Post.table_name() //=> :posts
Model instances are identified by a primary key. DataStorm currently only uses 'id' for primary key.
Post.find(123, function (err, post) { // 123
A model instance stores its values as a hash with column symbol keys, which you can access directly via the values method:
Post.find(123, function (err, post) {
post.values // {id: 123, category: 'coffee-script', title: 'hello world'}
You can read the record values as object attributes, assuming the attribute names are valid columns in the model's dataset: // 123
post.title // 'hello world'
If the record's attributes names are not valid columns in the model's dataset (maybe because you used select_append to add a computed value column), you can use Model[] to access the values:
post['id'] // 123
post['title'] // 'hello world'
You can also modify record values using attribute setters, the []= method, or the set method:
post.title = 'hey there'
# or
post['title'] = 'hey there'
That will just change the value for the object, it will not update the row in the database. To update the database row, call the save method: (err, value) {
value // value is equal to the id for a new record, or numbers of records altered for an update
Associations are used in order to specify relationships between model classes that reflect relationships between tables in the database, which are usually specified using foreign keys. You specify model associations via the many_to_one, one_to_one, one_to_many, and many_to_many class methods:
var Post = DataStorm.model('post');
The defined calls can be called directly on the created object:
Post.find(123, function (err, post) {
post.comments.all(function (err, comments) {
for(var comment in comments) {
if (comments.hasOwnProperty(comment)) {
You can define a validate method for your model, which save will check before attempting to save the model in the database. If an attribute of the model isn't valid, you should add a error message for that attribute to the model object's errors. If an object has any errors added by the validate method, save will return an error.
var Post = DataStorm.model('post');
Post.validate('name', function (name, value, done) {
if (value === 'bob') {
this.errors.add(name, "cant be bob");