
This is a pipeline consisting of the deploying a JAVA Application on CICD using Components like Jenkins, Sonarqube, Gradle, Nexus Multi Stage Docker Build and Helm with future extension scope for the pipeline.

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Java App Deployemnt using CICD

This is a pipeline consisting of the deploying a JAVA Application on CICD using Components like Jenkins, Sonarqube, Gradle, Nexus Multi Stage Docker Build and Helm with future extension scope for the pipeline.

Workflow Diagram

Tools Summary:

  • Gradle: It is build tool for java; lighter and faster than maven
  • Jenkins: Used a s a Continious Integration tool to breach the ntegration between various tools used with the respective plugins and pipeline implementetion.
  • Nexus: It is a image Repository; we have created a PRIVATE REPOSITORY in our case for storing image generated.
  • Multi-Stage Docker Builds: The image first generated is cascaded as input to the other docker image to reduce the size of overall image.

We have discussed all this concepts in a detailed blog and followed implementetion with the best practices here.


To run gradle we follows here:

build tool is ** gradle **

when we build the code using command ./gradlew build it will generate war file. that war can be placed in tomcat server to see application web page

code is integrated with sonarqube plugin which help us in static code analysis

./gradlew sonarqube