Travel Buddy

A project that helps solo travellers travel together with people having similar interests, destinations, hobbies, etc. It also assists the travellers in knowing the location's important aspects, like food, temples, etc. Further, there is also group booking for the travellers, where the travellers can book a hotel or event as a group. The web app also supports the language translation feature, which will convert the app's language to their native language. There is also speech-based navigation, which helps users who are unaware of the technology. There is also a chatbot that assists with Q&A. Furthermore, the mobile app also has a feature of Bluetooth connectivity, which will assist when there is a low network connection, such as in crowded places or remote areas. This feature will allow users to connect with others using the same app via Bluetooth.

Features and technologies used

  • Frontend Application developed using ReactJS.
  • Backend Application developed using NodeJS and ExpressJS.
  • Data stored in cloud via MongoDB Atlas.
  • User Interface developed using Material UI.
  • Payments integration using Stripe API.
  • Email notification to users using Nodemailer.
  • Sending SMS for mobile number verification using Twilio.
  • Voucher using "pdfkit" npm package.
  • Admin Dashboard for analytics.
  • Map with indication of attractive places.
  • Leading the trip.
  • Joining the trip.
  • Community Photos.
  • Photo Contest.
  • Translate the language of application.
  • AI based Speech based Navigation.
  • AI based chatbot for Q & A.
  • Expense Tracker.
  • API Documentation using Swagger UI.
  • Video Chatting through Daily API.

Mobile app plus point:

  • Bluetooth connectivity with the bluetooth enabled devices in surrounding.
  • In future to enable chatting with bluetooth connection.

Tech Stack Used:

  • Front-End (Web): Reactjs, Redux, Material-UI.
  • Front-End (App): Android.
  • Back-End: Nodejs, Expressjs, Mongoose, JWT, Nodemailer, Kommunicate-IO-ChatBot-API, ChatGPT-API, Alan-AI-Voice-Assistant-API, Cloudinary-API, Swagger-UI.
  • DataBase: MongoDb.
  • Payment Gateway: Stripe API.

Getting Started


  • npm
    npm install npm@latest -g


  • Clone the repository

    git clone
  • Install NPM packages for Backend Application

    cd backend
    npm install
    cd ..
    cd server
    npm install
  • Install NPM packages for Frontend Application

    cd client
    npm install
    cd ..
    cd frontend
    npm install
  • The Backend Servers are running on port 8080,3001

  • The Frontend Applications are running on port 3000,3002
