- Docker Containers are not mini-virtual machines - they are just a process.
$ docker container run --publish 80:80 --detach nginx // or just -d
$ docker container stop <container_name or id> // stop a running container
$ docker container ls -a // list all (-a) containers
$ docker container logs <container_name> // check logs
$ docker container rm <container_name> // remove a container
Docker container commands like rm, stop etc can accept multiple values if space separated.
rm -f = for force = removes even if the container is running
docker container ls (older version is docker ps) when used with -a flag returns all containers, running or stopped.
used to publish ports in docker container. -
is used to explicitly name containers. -
to pass container's environment variables as key value pairs.
$ docker container run -p 80:80 -d --name proxyserver nginx
$ docker container run -p 8080:80 -d --name httpdserver httpd
$ docker container run -p 3306:3306 -d --name mysqlserver --env MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes mysql
- A few commands very handy to get started as well as troubleshooting.
$ docker container top <container> // Display the running processes.
$ docker container inspect <container> // Display detailed information.
$ docker container stats <container> // Display a live stream of container resource usage statistics
almost always used with docker run.-t
- allocates a pseudo tty-i
- Interactive
to run additional commands in existing running container.
$ docker container run -it --name proxy nginx bash
$ docker container run -it --name myUbuntu ubuntu_1 bash
$ docker container start -ai myUbuntu
- to clean up images, volumes, build cache, and containers.
$ docker system prune // cleans up everything - Nuking
$ docker image prune // cleans up just dangling images
$ docker image prune -a // removes all images you are not using.
$ docker container prune
$ docker system df // fetches all the data - disk usage
Images 29 0 3.195GB 3.195GB (100%)
Containers 0 0 0B 0B
Local Volumes 37 0 2.864GB 2.864GB (100%)
Build Cache 29 0 18.43MB 18.43MB
- Each container connected to a private virtual network "bridge".
- Each Virtual network routes through NAT firewall on host IP.
- All containers on a virtual network can talk to each other without -p .
- Best practice is to create a virtual network for each app.
- Skip virtual networks and use host IP (--net=none)
$ docker container inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' proxyserver
$ docker container port <container>
Docker Network commands -
- Show networks -
docker network ls
- Inspect a network -
docker network inspect
- Create a network -
docker network create --driver
- Attach a network to a container -
docker network connect
- Detach network from container -
docker network disconnect
- Show networks -
Network options -
--network bridge
- Default docker virtual network which is NAT'ed behind the HOST IP.
--network host
- It gains performace by skipping virtual networks but sacrifices security of container
--network none
- Removes eth0 and only leaves you with localhost interface in container.
$ docker network inspect bridge
$ docker network create my_app_net
$ docker network ls
- The CLI output.
747eea8c4dd6 my_app_net bridge local
- by default network driver is bridge
- network driver - built-in or 3rd party extensions that give you virtual network features.
$ docker container run -d --name new_nginx --network my_app_net nginx
$ docker network connect <container_id_1> <container_id_2>
Docker Network - Default Security
- Create your apps so frontend / backend sit on the same Docker network
- Their inter-communication never leaves host
- All externally exposed ports closed by default
- And ports exposed only with -p are open.
Docker Networks - DNS
- How containers find each other.
- Static IPs and using IPs for talking to containers is an anti-pattern. Try and avoid it.
- Containers keep on shrinking and growing, re-starting, going down when not needed etc.
- Thus, IPs keep changing as well.
Docker DNS
- Docker daemon has a built-in DNS Server that containers use by default.
DNS Default Names
- Docker defaults the hostname to the container's name, but you can also set aliases.
This works because both the containers are in the same network.
$ docker container run -d --name my_nginx --network my_app_net nginx:alpine
$ docker container exec -it my_nginx ping new_nginx
default bridge network does not have built in DNS resolution.
- we can use --link to overcome this.
For intercommunication between containers - IPs should not be relied on - DNS / custom networks are suggested.
Example 1 -
- Ubuntu
$ docker contaienr run --rm -it --name myUbuntu ubuntu_1 bash
$ apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl
- Centos
$ docker container run --rm -it --name myCentos centos:7 bash
$ yum update curl
Example 2 - DNS RR Test
$ docker network create my_network
$ docker container run -d --net my_network --net-alias search elasticsearch:2
$ docker container run -d --net my_network --net-alias search elasticsearch:2
- CLI Output
661c5052c462 elasticsearch:2 "/docker-entrypoint.…" 11 seconds ago Up 8 seconds 9200/tcp, 9300/tcp agitated_hamilton
801fffb00534 elasticsearch:2 "/docker-entrypoint.…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes 9200/tcp, 9300/tcp upbeat_pike
$ docker container run --rm --net my_network alpine nslookup search
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: search
Name: search
$ docker container run --rm --net my_network centos curl -s search:9200
- We get Names in Round Robin Fashion.
"tagline":"You Know, for Search"
"tagline":"You Know, for Search"
$ docker container rm -f 661c5052c462 upbeat_pike my_nginx f7df0fcdafa6 b170ca67a2a8
Image ====docker run=====> Running Container ---exit---> Stopped Container ====docker commit====> New Image
App binaries and dependencies.
Metadata about the image and how to run the image.
Images does not have complete OS or kernel modules like drivers.
The host provides the OS.
There are just enough binaries required to execute the instructions.
Images Layers
- Union file system format
- Images are bundled to form the final image
- Ex - Debian + Apt install + Environment changes + mySQL ===> Final Image which is a mixture of multiple images.
- Individual Images are cached and thus saves time and space.
- Unique SHA to identify the exact images it needs. SHA match between Dockerhub and local cache.
- Only one copy of individual images is stored.
History command shows layers of images / task building up the image.
If 2 containers run dependent on a comman image - only differentiating factor between them will be what has actually happened on the separate containers.
$ docker history <IMAGE:TAG>
$ docker history nginx:latest
Copy On Write (COW) - Changing base files etc by a running container.
- In such case - the changed file is copied from the image and stored in the container layer.
docker inspect < IMAGE >
- returns the JSON metadata about the image.
Images are made up of file system changes and metadata.
Each layer is uniquely identified and only stored once on a host.
This saves storage space on host and time on push / pull.
A container is just a single read / write on top of an image.
Image Tags -
docker image tag
ordocker tag
assigns one or more tags to an image
docker images don't have a name - thus we uniquely identify them by
< user >/< repo >:< tag >
OR the image_id(SHA). -
REPOSITORY in the docker images output => /
- Official repositories - don't specify the tag
- they live at the "root namespace", so they don't need account name in the front of the repo.
One image can have multiple tags - but in essence they are the same image.
They are not stored multiple times - just one image is cached locally on the host.
docker image tag <image> <new_tag>
docker image push <image_id>
ordocker push <image_id>
- after
docker login
- adds the authentication key here
- after
public / private repositories on dockerhub
Dockerfiles - Building Images
docker build -f <dockerfile name>
- Ordering matters in Dockerfiles. These are key commands -
- minimal installation image (required)ENV
- Environment variables - To inject properties as Key value pairs. (optional)RUN
- set of commands to run inside the container - updates, installation, running shell scripts, update any internal files.- Writing logs to stdout so that docker can consume them from there.
- Expose said ports on docker virtual network. (optional)CMD
- Run this command when container is launched or restarted. (required)
$ docker image build -t <myImageName>
$ docker image build -t customnginx . // . to specify that build in this repository
(alias for--file
) is used to denote Dockerfile's name. By default, it isDocerfile
only and thus-f
is not required in default case. -
is used to tag images. -
Ordering in Dockerfile -
- When a line on the code changes in the dockerfile, the remaining steps are executed.
- So it makes sense to keep things in the top of the docker file that change less and keep things which change the most in the bottom.
- When a line on the code changes in the dockerfile, the remaining steps are executed.
Extending Official Images
- When we are using an Image in the FROM statement - we inherit everything (FORM, EXPOSE etc.) from the Dockerfile.
$ docker image build -t new_nginx .
$ docker image tag new_nginx:latest adityagarde/new_nginx
Example -
$ docker build -t testnode .
$ docker container run --rm -p 80:3000 testnode:latest
$ docker tag testnode adityagarde/testing-node
$ docker push adityagarde/testing-node
$ docker image rm adityagarde/testing-node
$ docker container run --rm -p 80:3000 adityagarde/testing-node:latest
Containers are meant to be Immutable and Ephemeral Containers.
- i.e. unchanging, disposable, temporary.
Immutable infrastructure -
- If there are any changes we don't change existing containers - we only re-deploy containers from images.
Trade-off - What about the unique data you that the containers might have generated (DB, files, key-value pairs etc.)
Separation of Concerns - Ideally docker should not mix our unique data with the application files.
Persistent Data - problem with the unique data in the docker container.
Handled in two ways -
- Volumes - Make special location outside of the container filesystem UFS to store unique data.
- Bind Mounts - Link container path to host path.
1. Persistent Data : Volumes
- check Dockerfile VOLUME /data - This is used to explicitly put data in this location and this is not removed when the container is removed.
- Volumes requires separate step to remove it.
- Volume = A running container getting its own unique location on the host to store the data and in the background it is mapped to the container.
Ex. -
docker inspect mysql
"Image": "sha256:a717583fdcec69e6c839d2647da972980b6dcce80cad9bcdce9c760c10e222ba",
"Volumes": {
"/var/lib/mysql": {}
"WorkingDir": "",
"Entrypoint": [
$ docker run -d --name mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True mysql
- After running the container -
"Mounts": [
"Type": "volume",
"Name": "c2bd8d01fe315344761178b7019c1c4ae0db8da2721029617db20384dc6052a7",
"Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/c2bd8d01fe315344761178b7019c1c4ae0db8da2721029617db20384dc6052a7/_data",
"Destination": "/var/lib/mysql",
"Driver": "local",
"Mode": "",
"RW": true,
"Propagation": ""
Source - Container is writing to this location & Destination - The data is actually being stored here.
On Mac and Windows - the data is actually in a Linux VM - so this path cannot be accessed directly.
Named Volumes - easy to identify the volumes.
$ docker run -d --name mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True -v /var/lib/mysql mysql
- This does the same thing as what our VOLUME command does in Dockerfile.
$ docker run -d --name mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True -v mysql-db:/var/lib/mysql mysql
This is named volume - the tag mysql-db will appear in the docker volume ls command.
- This tag now can be used when restarting the container or starting a new container.
docker volume create -
- Required to do this before "docker run" to use custom drivers and labels.
2. Persistent Data : Bind Mounting
- Maps / attaches a host file or directory to a container file or directory.
- Basically just two locations pointing to the same file(s).
- This skips UFS as well - i.e. it is not wiped when container is removed.
- Can't use in Dockerfile, must be at container run time.
$ docker run -d --name mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True -v /Users/adityagarde/localdump:/var/lib/mysql mysql
$ docker container run -d --name nginxtest -p 80:80 -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
Example - Named Volumes - Database upgrade with containers.
$ docker container run -d --name postgresql -v postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgresql:9.6.1
$ docker logs -f postgresql
$ docker container run -d --name postgresql2 -v postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgresql:9.6.1
Configure relationships between containers
Save our docker container settings in easy-to-read yaml files
Good for dev, testing and local setup, not for production.
The following CLI command and yaml configuration are same.
$ docker run -p 80:4000 -v $(pwd):/site bretfisher/jekyll-serve
image: bretfisher/jekyll-serve
- .:/site
- '80:4000'
docker-compose up
- setup volumes / networks and start all containers -
docker-compose down
- stop all containers and remove containers / volume / network etc. -
docker-compose ps
docker-compose top
docker-compose down -v
=> To removes the associated volumes as well. -
Adding Image Build to Compose Files
- Compose can build your custom images at runtime.
- Will build images with docker-compose up if not found in the cache.
- It will not build the images everytime, will build only if it does not find it locally.
- docker-compose build OR docker-compose up --build - to rebuild images
context: .
dockerfile: nginx.Dockerfile
- '80:80'
- The
key publishes the particular service on whatever port you specify, and is the docker run equivalent to the -p flag. - The
key in a compose file does NOT do the same thing as the EXPOSE stanza in a Dockerfile.