
Parallel and Asynchronous Programming in Java. Implementing Threads, Executor Service, ForkJoin, Parallel Streams, and CompletableFuture.

Primary LanguageJava

Parallel and Asynchronous Programming

  • Hardware Side -> Multiple Cores -> Better utilization -> Parallel Programming with Streams
  • Software Side -> Blocking I/O calls -> Increased latency -> Asynchronous Programming with CompletableFuture

Concurrency and Parallelism

  • Concurrency

    • Concept where two or more tasks can run simultaneously.
    • Can be achieved using Threads out of the box.
    • Ex. Multiple threads running in a single core.
    • Ex. Multiple threads running in multiple cores of the CPU.
    • Thus, concurrency can be implemented in both single and multiple cores.
  • Concurrency is about correctly and efficiently controlling access to shared resources.

  • Parallelism

    • Tasks are going to be literally going to be run in parallel. (Fork-Join)
      • Forking - Decomposing the task into sub tasks.
      • Process / Execute the subtask sequentially.
      • Join - Joining the results of the subtasks.
    • Parallelism can be implemented in a multi-core environment only.
  • Parallelism is out using ore resources to access the result faster.

Before Streams - Threads, Executor Service, Fork Join APIs

  • Threads - Java 1

    • Threads are used to offload the blocking tasks as background tasks.
    • Help to write asynchronous style of code.
    • Low level API, need manual starting / joining etc.
    • Threads are expensive, they need their own runtime-stack, memory, registers etc.
  • ThreadPool - Java 5

    • Thread Pool is a group of threads created and readily available.
    • For CPU Intensive Tasks - Computational tasks
      • The number of cores = ThreadPool size so that every core gets a single task.
    • I/O Tasks - DB Calls, REST API Calls
      • Thread Pool Size > Number of cores.
    • Benefits of Thread Pool
      • No need to manually create, start and join threads.
      • Achieving Concurrency in your application.
  • Executor Service - Java 5

    • Executor Service is an Asynchronous Task Execution Engine.

    • It provides a way to asynchronously execute tasks and provides the results in a much simpler way compare to thread.

    • This enabled coarse-grained task based parallelism in Java.

    • Executor Service = WorkQueue + Completion Queue + Thread Pool

      • Any time client sends a task it is stored in the WorkQueue (blocking).
      • Tasks completed by the Thread Pool are placed in the CompletionQueue.
    • Client / Code gives task to the Executor Service which is queued in the WorkQueue and in return the ES return an object of Future - which is a promise.

    • A thread from the Thread pool picks the task, executes it and places the result in the CompletionFuture.

    • ES returns this result back to the code.

  • Fork Join Framework - Java 7

    • Extension of the Executor Service.
    • Fork Join Framework is designed to achieve Data Parallelism.
    • ExecutorService is designed to achieve Task Based Parallelism.
    • Fork Join Framework has ForkJoin Pool to support Data Parallelism.
  • Data Parallelism -

    • It is a concept where a given Task is recursively split into possible size and execute those tasks in parallel.
  • ForkJoin Pool

    • Clients submit tasks to Shared Work Queue.
    • Worker Threads
    • Each Worker thread has a double ended Work Queue OR Deck.
    • Client submits a ForkJoinTask to the Shared Work Queue.
    • Every thread in the Work Queue continuously polls the Shared Work Queue for tasks.
    • This task is picked up by one available thread and placed in its Work Queue / Deck.
    • The tasks are consumed in LIFO order.
    • The task in the deck is further divided in subtasks (if possible) and placed in the same thread's work queue.
    • Work Stealing - Other available threads check each other's work queue and steal it from the other end of the queue.
    • Once executed - the result is returned to the client.
  • ForkJoin Task

    • represents part of the data and its computation.
    • Recursive Task - task that returns a value.
    • Recursive Action - Task that does not return a value.
  • Implementation

    • Required class can be extended with RecursiveTask< T >
    • forkJoinPool.invoke(ForkJoinTask_Object); - After this the task object becomes available for all the polling threads.
    • protected List< T > compute() {} - Logic is written here.

Streams API

  • Streams API - Java 8

    • Processing a Collection of Objects
    • Stream is created by using the stream() method.
    • By default - Stream API is sequential.
  • Parallel Stream

    • Implementing Data Parallelism.
    • Invoke the .parallelStream() method.
  • sequential() and parallel()

    • sequential() - executes the stream in sequential format.
    • parallel() - Executes the stream in parallel.
    • These two when called i between - change the flow of the whole pipeline.
    • The last function call - determines whether it will be sequential or parallel execution.
  • Parallel Streams - Under the hood

    • .parallelStream() has 3 main steps.
      • Split the data in chunks
      • Execute the data chunks
      • Combine the result
    • Split
      • Split the data in smaller chunks
        • Ex. ArrayList is split in chunks of size 1.
      • This is done using the Spliterator.
        • Ex for ArrayList the spliterator is ArrayListSpliterator.
    • Execute
      • Data chunks are applied to the stream pipeline and the intermediate operations executed in a Command ForkJoin Pool.
    • Combine
      • Combine the executed results into a final result - terminal operations.
      • Uses collect() and reduce() functions.
  • ArrayList and LinkedList Comparison of Spliterator

    • For ArrayList the parallel execution is slightly better than Sequential Execution.

    • Because ArrayList is an Indexed Collection, and the Spliterator can slice the data easily in smaller chunks.

    • For LinkedList the Parallel execution is considerably slow, and the LinkedList can't be split easily.

    • Invoking parallelStream() does not guarantee faster performance.

    • As the API performs lot of additional steps (splitting, executing etc.) compared to Sequential.

  • How does Parallel Stream maintain Final Result Order ?

    • Depends on Type of Collection
    • And on spliterator implementation of the collection.
    • Example -
      • ArrayList - Ordered Collection and has Ordered Spliterator Impl.
      • Set - Unordered Collection and has Unordered Spliterator Impl.
    • For Unordered Collections - Order is NOT maintained in the result post applying stream - so we have to careful when choosing the Collection on which we have to apply ParallelStreams.
inputList == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
resultList == [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]
inputSet == [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
resultSet == [16, 18, 2, 20, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]
  • Collect() and Reduce() - Terminal Operations in Stream API
    • Terminal Operation means after execution they produce a single result.
    • Collect()
      • Result is produced in a mutable fashion.
      • collect(toList()), collect(toSet()) etc.
    • Reduce()
      • Result is produces in an immutable fashion.
      • Reduce computation to a single value. Ex - reduce(0, (x,y)->x+y);
      • Works with data pair.
  • When dealing with string operations - Collect is a better option, it internally uses StringBuilder, while reduce ends up creating a bunch of unwanted strings.
    • Example can be checked here.
  • Identity value in s reduce function is a value which when used in a result, does not alter the result.
    • Use reduce() for associative operations like addition (0) and multiplication (1).
  • Performance with using ParallelStream may not always be great. Also, Boxing and UnBoxing will lower the performance.
  • To avoid Deadlock scenario, the Common ForkJoin Pool involves the actual thread that initiated the transaction.
  • By default, Parallelism is number of CPU cores minus one. This can be changed by 2 ways.
    • System.setProperty("java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism", "100"); - System Property
    • -Djava.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism=100 - Environment Variable
  • Parallel Streams do a lot of intermediate steps under the hood when compared to sequential streams.
    • Thus use them only when splitting is easily possible. Ex- Don't use on Data structure like LinkedList.
  • Always compare the performance of sequential and parallel streams before choosing one.
    • Parallel streams can be good when we have multiple cores available, there is lots of data and computations involved.


  • Asynchronous Reactive Functional Programming API.

  • Asynchronous Computations in a functional Style.

  • Introduced in Java8 to solve the limitations of Future API.

  • Reactive Programming -

    1. Responsive
    • Fundamentally Asynchronous.
    • For potential blocking calls like REST API or DB call, the call returns immediately and the response will be sent when its available.
    1. Resilient
    • Exception or error won't crash the app or code.
    1. Elastic
    • Asynchronous computations normally run in a pool of threads.
    • The number of threads can go up or down based on the need.
    1. Message Driven
    • Asynchronous computations interact with eah through messages in an event-driven style.
  • CompletableFuture API Implementation -

    • Declaration -public class CompletableFuture<T> implements Future<T>, CompletionStage<T> {
    • Implements two interfaces - Future and CompletionStage.
    • Factory Methods -
      • Initiate asynchronous Computations.
    • Completion Stage Methods -
      • Chain Asynchronous Computations.
    • Exception Methods -
      • Handle Exceptions in an Asynchronous Computations.
  • supplyAsync() - FactoryMethod

    • Initiate Asynchronous Computation.
    • Takes Supplier Functional Interface as input.
    • Returns CompletableFuture< T >()
  • thenAccept() - CompletionStage Method

    • Used to Chain Asynchronous Methods.
    • Takes Consumer Functional Interface as Input and consumes the result of the previous.
    • Returns CompletableFuture< Void >
  • join() blocks the current tread - AVOID it.

  • thenApply() - CompletionStage Method

    • Transforms the data from one form to another.
    • Input is Function Functional Interface
    • Returns CompletableFuture< T >

Example -

CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> helloWorldService.helloWorld())
        .thenApply(str -> str.toUpperCase())
        .thenAccept(s -> {
          log("Result == " + s);
  • Completed is printed first and then the Result is presented.

  • This is executed in the common fork join pool.

  • thenCombine() - Completion Stage Method

    • Used to Combine Independent Completable Futures.
    • Takes two arguments - CompletionStage and BiFunction.
    • BiFunction is a functional Interface which takes two parameters as input and one value as output.
    • Returns a CompletableFuture.
  • thenCompose() - Completion Stage Method.

    • Transform the data from one form to another.
    • Input is Function Functional Interface.
    • Deals with functions that return CompletableFuture.
    • diff - thenApply() deals with Function that returns a value.
    • Returns CompletableFuture< T >
  • Exception Handling in CompletableFuture

    • CompletableFuture code can be put in a typical try and catch block, if any one service calls fails, the whole transaction fails.
    • CompletableFuture API has a functional style of handling exceptions.
    • 3 Options - handle(), exceptionally(), whenComplete()
    • handle() and exceptionally() can catch Exception and Recover - which means we can catch the exception and provide a recoverable value rather than just throwing an exception.
    • whenComplete() - can catch the exception, but doesn't provide any value, just throws it back to the caller.
    1. handle()
      • Accepts a BiFunction. Thus, we can access both the result and function.
      • It is invoked even when there is no exception, so have Null check for the exception object when using handle().
          handle((res, ex) -> {
              if (null != ex) {
                  return "Recover Hello";
              } else
                  return res;
    2. exceptionally()
      • Accepts a Function. We can pass only the exception object.
      • It is invoked only when there is an exception and not always like handle().
          exceptionally(ex -> {
              return "Recover World";
      • This is like a compact try and catch block - as catch is invoked only when there is an exception.
    3. whenComplete()
      • Catches an exception but does not recover from the exception.
      • When an exception occurs - the flow moves from Success path to Failure path (as expected) but doesn't recover and go back to Success path / flow but propagates to next whenComplete() call.
      • Less used.
      • Accepts a BiConsumer - i.e. takes 2 values but returns nothing.
    whenComplete((res, ex) -> {
        if (null != ex) {
  • CompletableFuture - Thread Pool
    • By default, CompletableFuture uses the Common ForkJoin Pool.
    • The number of threads in the pool == number of cores.
    • As ParallelStreams and CompletableFuture share the ForkJoin thread pool - there may be some issues like - thread is blocked by a time-consuming task OR thread not available at all.
      • Solution - User Defined ThreadPool.
    • This can be achieved using Executors Class. Passing the ExecutorService object in the overloaded SupplyAsync call.
ExecutorService executorService 
        = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
CompletableFuture<String> hello 
        = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> helloWorldService.hello(), executorService);

  • Overloaded Async() functions -

    • thenCombineAsync()
    • thenApplyAsync()
    • thenComposeAsync()
    • thenAcceptAsync()
  • Using these Async() functions allows us to change the thread of Execution.

    • The CompletableFuture pipeline by default tries to keep the same thread of execution.
    • This is done to avoid context switching, and the performance loss which it might bring.
  • Using these Async() methods is suggested when we have blocking operations in our CompletableFuture pipeline.

  • Calling these Async() functions does not guarantee that there will be switching of threads - but it is an instruction to JVM to switch the thread if it sees a blocking call.

  • Spring WebClient

    • It is a Reactive Web Client introduced in Spring 5.
    • Rest Client Library - Functional style RestClient (alternative to RestTemplate)
  • allOf() - Dealing with Multiple CompletableFutures

  • anyOf() - Use anyOf() when dealing with retrieving data from multiple DataSources.