
Primary LanguageCSS

This project was made from udemy course Advanced CSS and Sass,All the design in this project credit goes to the author himself, Jonas Schmedtmann.


Natours is a simple static web app that is made with native html and css, to compile the final version of the style.css file the app uses a css preprocessor which is SASS.

How To Use

Step 1

  • 👯 Clone this repo to your local machine using
    git clone https://github.com/adityaiwd/natours.git
    after cloning this repo, don't forget to install all of the dependencies using
    npm install

Step 2

  • Run it on your local server
   npm run start

While the server runs,at the same time it compiles the sass every time you make changes

Step 3

  • If you want to build the final version of the style.css file
   npm run build:css