
Pitch your idea to the world!

Project inspiration:– To create a more secure, transparent, and democratic system that operates without relying on centralised intermediaries. Decentralised projects aim to empower individuals and communities by giving them greater control over their data, assets, and online interactions, and reducing the risks associated with centralization, such as censorship, data breaches, and economic inefficiencies.

What the Project is about:- A decentralised secure, transparent, and democratic pitching platform for entrepreneurs to showcase their business ideas to the world. Get attention from a global community of investors.


  1. Surfaces the best products in Web3.
  2. Let's vote for the best
  3. Pitch your business to industry experts(Sharks)
  4. Chat with project builders

Deployed on Filecoin-Hyperspace testnet


Vote your favourite project!

Chat with project builder with Push Chat



List your project on Pitchers


Live Pitch with Huddle01
