🤖❄️ Feedback Guard

I am a passionate developer participating in the Arctic Streamlit Hackathon. Our goal is to leverage the power of Snowflake Arctic and Streamlit to create a novel AI application for analyzing Amazon customer reviews.

Technologies Used:

Snowflake Arctic: We chose Snowflake Arctic for its advanced analytics capabilities and seamless integration with Snowflake's data platform.

Snowflake Embeddings: We have utilized Snowflake embeddings to compare customer reviews using COSINE SIMILARITY, allowing us to identify similar reviews and patterns in customer feedback.

Amazon Customer Reviews Dataset: We are utilizing the extensive dataset of Amazon customer reviews to train our models and provide meaningful analysis.

Key Features:

  • Data Preprocessing: We will clean and preprocess the Amazon customer reviews data to ensure accurate analysis and visualization.
  • Sentiment Analysis: We will perform sentiment analysis on the customer reviews to extract key insights and trends.
  • Visualization: All visuals in this project have utilized SNOWFLAKE ARTIC and CORTEX to generate insightful visualizations.

How to run

-Streamlit run About_Project.py