
App uses MVP MVVM and has UI tests with Espresso and MockWebServer and Unit tests using Junit and Mockito

Primary LanguageJava

Contact Manager


  • App uses MVP for main and newcontact module
  • App uses MVVM for detail module
  • Presenter have 100% test coverage
  • Activity Instrumentation test using MockWebServer

Libraries used

  1. Dagger 2
  2. StorIO
  3. RxJava and RxAndroid
  4. Retrofit 2
  5. OkHttp
  6. Gson
  7. RxPermission
  8. Glide
  9. Stetho

Git flow

Fect(Filename)     - A new Feature
Refactor(Filename) - Code Refactoring
chor(Filename)     - build file changes
Test(Filename)     - A new Test is added