
ewallet api

Primary LanguagePython


This web api is using framework Flask from python and database using MySQL

Installation instructions

  1. Make sure you have python > 3.7 Installed on your machine. Download Python.
  2. Clone this repo using command on your terminal git clone https://github.com/adityamuhammad/ewallet.git
  3. Copy .env.example to .env, and fill the value of the variable, (fill JWT_SECRET_KEY and DATABASE_URI_DEV value. example: Since I use mysql database for this project, so fill the DATABASE_URI_DEV value with mysql+pymysql://<username>:<password>@localhost/ewallet_dev. Also dont forget to create database with the name ewallet_dev.
  4. Run command on your terminal pip install pipenv if you dont have install pipenv yet.
  5. Run command pipenv shell to activate the virtual environment.
  6. Run command pip install -r requirements.txt to install modules.
  7. Set variable FLASK_ENV to development. Run command on terminal export FLASK_ENV=development, if you are using Windows use command set FLASK_ENV=development
  8. Set variable CONFIG_SETTING to config.Devconfig . Run command on terminal export CONFIG_SETTING=config.DevConfig, if you are using Windows use command set CONFIG_SETTING=config.DevConfig
  9. Run migration for database using command make migrate_dev. After that, run command make seed_dev for creating seed data.
  10. To run application, use command flask run.


1. Login

Used for authenticating registered user, get access token stored in cookie with httponly set to true.

URL : /token/auth

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Request Body

    "email": "[valid email address]",
    "password": "[password in plain text]"

Request Header use default request header

Success Response

set access_token_cookie,csrf_access_token,refresh_token_cookie,csrf_refresh_token in header response

Code : 200 OK

Response body

    "msg": "login success."

Error Response

Condition : If 'email' and 'password' combination is wrong.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

    "msg": "login failed."

2. Refresh token

Used for refresh access token

URL : /token/refresh

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Request Body None

Request Header

    "X-CSRF-TOKEN": "[csrf_refresh_token]",
    "refresh_token_cookie": "[refresh_token_cookie]"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Response body

    "msg": "token refreshed."

Error Response

Condition : If request header invalid.


Content :

    "msg": "whether csrf token refresh or refresh token invalid"

3. remove token or logout

Used for remove access token

URL : /token/remove

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Request Body None

Request Header None

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Response body

    "msg": "logout success."

4. Topup

Used for topup

URL : /api/topup

Method : POST

Auth required : YES

Request Body

    "amount": "[amount]",

Request Header

    "X-CSRF-TOKEN": "[csrf_access_token]",
    "location": "[client location]",
    "ip-address": "[ip-address client]"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Response body

    "msg": "transaction success."

Error Response

Condition : If request send is invalid. Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

    "msg": "transaction failed."

5. Transfer

Used for transfer

URL : /api/transfer

Method : POST

Auth required : YES

Request Body

    "amount": "[amount]",
    "code": "[code]"

Request Header

    "X-CSRF-TOKEN": "[csrf_access_token]",
    "location": "[client location]",
    "ip-address": "[ip-address client]"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Response body

    "msg": "transaction success."

Error Response

Condition : If request send is invalid. Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

    "msg": "transaction failed."