LWC Boilerplate Example

The LWC Boilerplate example contains the minimum code needed to get a simple Single Page Application (SPA) on LWR running.

Project Setup

The directory structure looks like this:

  └── start-server.mjs  // create and start server
  ├── assets/           // static assets
  │   └── recipes-logo.png
  └── modules/          // lwc modules
      └── example/
          └── app/
              ├── app.css
              ├── app.html
              └── app.js
lwr.config.json         // lwr configuration
package.json            // npm packaging configuration


The LWR server is configured in lwr.config.json, at the root of the project. The LWC Boilerplate example has one LWC module and one server-side route.

// lwr.config.json
    "lwc": { "modules": [{ "dir": "$rootDir/src/modules" }] },
    "routes": [
            "id": "example",
            "path": "/",
            "rootComponent": "example/app"

Running the Project

yarn install
yarn build
yarn start # prod mode and ESM format

Open the site at http://localhost:3000

To start the project in a different mode:

  • dev: yarn dev
  • compat: yarn start:compat
  • prod-compat: yarn start:prod-compat