Project Title : Google App Store Analysis

Technologies : Python, Stremalit and Plotly

Domain : Technology

Problem Statement:

-> Technology is the increasing need nowadays and used everywhere. One of the features of Technology is android. Which we all use in our daily life. Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.


-> Using classical machine learning tasks like Data Exploration, Data Cleaning, Data Visualization, etc.


Link :- Click Here

The features columns are as follow.


App : App Name

Category : Category of App

Rating : Rating of App

Review : Total Reviews

Size : Size in Mb

Installs : No of Installs

Type : Type as free or paid

Price : Price of App

Content Ratings : Age category Rated

Last Updates : Last Date of Updation

Current Ver : Current Version

Minimum Ver : Minimum Version Required

Genre : Genre of App

Tools Used:

1. Python

2. Numpy

3. Pandas

4. Plotly

5. Matplotlib

6. Seaborn

7. Stremlit

8. Heroku

Platforms Used:

Jupyter Notebook, VS Code, Github, Heroku

Operations Performes:

1. Data Collection:

-> Data is taken from site given by the organization.

2. Data Cleaning:

-> Every dataset consists of some missing values and outliers. The categorical missing values are filled with most frequent value i.e. mode while the numeric values are filled with mean. Also the outliers are treated with the mean value correspoiding to their item type. Also removed the duplicate data.

3. Data Visualization:

-> Visualizations are performed using libraries like matplotlib, seaborn and plotly by plotting histogram, countplots, scatter plot, etc.

4. Data Analysis:

-> Performing data analysis to get valuable insights from the plots.

5. Deployment:

-> Using Streamlit library the web app is deployed on heroku.

Deployment Link:

-> Heroku Link: Click Here

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User Interface:

High Level Design (HLD)

Click Here

Low Level Design (LLD)

Click Here


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Wireframe Document

Click Here

Project Report

Click Here

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